Core Values
The core values refer to ethical principles, rules of behavior, and practical regulations that govern and guide the institution’s operations and define its relationships. The achievement of the institution’s vision, mission and objectives depends on the commitment to the core values of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, which can be summarized as follows:
Moderation: avoiding all forms of religious exaggeration, excess and neglect in thought and behavior, which also implies combining the approach of moderation, flexibility, openness, and balance in the relationship with the other.
Discipline: fully adhering to the laws and regulations that govern work in the Academy and define authorities and responsibilities while respecting the terms of reference and administrative hierarchy.
Transparency: commitment to integrity, honesty, clarity and fairness in words, actions and behavior, and avoidance of all forms of corruption, ambiguity and obscurity.
Justice: avoiding injustice and inequity, putting things in their proper positions, and giving everyone their own right by totally avoiding prejudice and favoritism.
Equity: commitment to justice in the treatment of others by respecting rights, and conferring them to their due holders, mitigating injustice and prohibiting aggression.
Productivity: working hard to accomplish as many activities and tasks as possible in as little time as possible through dedication, focus and perseverance.
Creativity and Innovation: promoting work and improving performance by coming up with new ideas that achieve the best results and find quick solutions to developments and changes that may occur in the work environment.
Cooperation and Integration: solidarity, synergy, support and mutual assistance among workers to achieve the desired results through the implementation of activities and programs.
Excellence: the performance of tasks and the optimization of functions within the given time frame while respecting the specifications and standards required to achieve the objectives and finalities.
Accomplishment: commitment to precision, accuracy, ingenuity, and resourcefulness in the performance of tasks and responsibilities in order to achieve the vision, mission, and objectives with ease and flexibility.