The terms defined hereunder, as used in the present Statute, shall have the following meanings:
- The Academy: The International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA).
- The Organization: Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
- The Secretary General of the Organization: The OIC Secretary General.
- The Council: The Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy.
- The President: The President of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy.
- The Bureau: The Bureau of the Council of the Academy, and its Staff.
- The Departments: The Departments of the Academy, which shall be comprised of the Academy members.
- The Secretary General: The Secretary-General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy.
- The Secretariat General: The Secretariat of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy.
- The Member of the Academy: The member appointed by a Member State of the Organization or elected by the Academy Council.
- The Correspondent Member: The member acceding to the Academy in accordance with Article V, Para. 8, of the present Statute.
- The Expert: is the specialist tasked by the Academy to conduct research on the subjects the Academy wishes to study, they may also be invited to the Sessions of the Academy to benefit from their knowledge and expertise, in accordance with Article IV, Para. 9, of the present statute.
The Status of Expert is granted after attending three Sessions as Assistant Expert.
- The Assistant Expert: the specialist tasked by the Academy to conduct research on the subjects that the Academy wishes to study, they may also be invited to the Sessions to benefit from their knowledge and expertise in accordance with article IV, paragraph 9, of the present statute.
Upon recommendation from the Secretary General of the Academy, the Bureau may grant the assistant expert the status of expert after participating in three Sessions.
- The Ministerial Council: The Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC Member States.
- The Statute: The Statute of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy.
- The International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA) is an academic subsidiary organ of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) with a legal personality. Its headquarters are in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Arabic is the official language of the Academy. The Academy is entrusted with elucidating the religious rulings regarding issues of concern to Muslims in full independence and on the basis of The Holy Quran and The Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH). It also studies the issues of contemporary life, performing an authentic and effective Ijtihad, aiming at providing solutions stemming from Islamic heritage and open to the developments of Islamic thoughts.
- The Academy may open branches in Muslim countries or any other country as decided by the Bureau. The opening of branches and offices shall be made by decision of the Secretary General of the OIC upon recommendation of the Academy’s Council.
- Sessions of the Academy and of its Departments and committees shall be held at the headquarters. They may be held in any other Muslim country by decision of the Secretary General of the Academy in coordination with the President.
First: Vision
The Fiqh Academy aims at becoming the world’s leading jurisprudential reference to which turn the countries of Islamic world and the Muslim communities in order to clarify the legal rulings on issues of concern to Muslims and to provide appropriate solutions to the problems of contemporary life, derived from the Holy Qur’an, the noble prophetic Sunnah and the rich Islamic heritage.
Second: Mission
The mission of the Academy seeks to present the teachings of Islam in a moderate manner, emphasizing its merits and its full capacity to deal with the problems and issues of life as well as its capacity to help mankind to achieve happiness, stability, peace, security, and safety in this life and beyond. This mission is based on a comprehensive and integrated understanding of the Islamic religion, its foundations, its sources, its objectives, its principles, and its provisions.
Third: Core Values
The Academy adopts a set of virtuous morals and clear standards that guide the behavior of all its employees and those dealing with it, and these values are summarized in the respect of moderation, discipline, transparency, justice, equity, cooperation and integration, creativity and innovation, productivity, excellence, and accomplishment.
Fourth: Objectives
The Academy shall perform its functions provided for in the present Statute in full independence from OIC Member States, and shall endeavour to realize the following objectives:
- Achieve intellectual harmony among Muslims within the framework of Islamic Shariah with its rich diversity and the constructive multiplicity of its schools of law in various fields of knowledge and human sciences in order to elucidate the position of Shariah towards the issues of contemporary life.
- Promote Collective Ijtihad (jurisprudential interpretation) regarding issues and problems of contemporary life; and provide Shariah-compatible solutions and elucidate acceptable options from among the multiple views on a specific question in observance of the interests of Muslims as individuals, communities and States, and in harmony with the evidence and the ultimate purposes (Maqasid) of Islamic Shariah.
- Coordinate between authorities of Ifta and institutions of jurisprudence inside and outside the Muslim world, as mentioned in the regulations of the present Statute, in order to avoid contradictions and hostilities between opinions on a single issue, especially on general issues which may cause conflict.
- Counter doctrinal and sectarian bigotry, fanaticism, and anathematization of Islamic Schools and their followers through dissemination of moderation and tolerance among the followers of the different Islamic schools and sects.
- Refute any religious rulings which negate Islamic constants, recognized rules of jurisprudence, and established scholarly positions without any recognized Shariah evidence.
- Express religious opinion on topics and issues of, with a view to developing legislations, laws, and regulations that are consistent with the provisions of Islamic Shariah.
- Direct response to the needs for Shariah opinions on developments and challenges facing the Islamic Ummah, and to the documents issued by the OIC or any other Islamic or non-Islamic organizations, whenever the Academy is requested to do so.
- Issue religious rulings to Muslim communities and organizations outside Islamic countries to help them protect and preserve the values of Islam, its culture, traditions, and Islamic identity through successive generations and with due regard to their specific conditions, with due respect to the requirements of citizenship and residency provisions in these non-Muslim societies.
- Reconcile the various Islamic schools of law by emphasizing commonalities while respecting differences and taking into account their views in fatwa and resolutions issued by the Academy, and promote cooperation, rapprochement, and complementarity between scholars of different schools of thought with regard to the fundamental principles of religion, reinforcing the respect of the commonalities and taking into account ethics of the jurisprudence of disagreements, and the importance of considering points of view of the schools of thought when the Academy issues fatwas and resolutions.
- Endeavour to renew Islamic jurisprudence by developing it from within and developing it on the basis of rules of Shariah deductions, fundamental principles (Usul) of Islamic jurisprudence, and Shariah proofs and rules of evidence, while remaining in conformity with the ultimate purposes (Maqasid) of the Shariah.
- Dialogue with followers of other religions and cultures, with the aim of cooperating for the welfare of human society, in coordination with the Secretariat-General of the Organization.
In order to achieve the objectives, set out in the preceding Article, the Academy shall endeavor – through its Council, Bureau, Secretariat-General, and Departments—to make use of all available and possible means, including the following:
- To issue and disseminate religious rulings on issues of concern to Muslims as widely as possible in order to encourage the embracement of Islamic moderation, which protects Muslims from extremism and all excesses, as well as from failing to observe Islamic rulings or following aberrant and unreliable views.
- To publish comprehensive jurisprudence encyclopedias elaborating on contemporary issues in various walks of life and focusing on issues addressed in jurisprudence books. These publications should be formulated in language accessible to readers working in culture and the media.
- To develop a comprehensive dictionary of Islamic jurisprudence terms and fundamental principles (Usul), which defines each term accurately and precisely while expressing meanings in easy language.
- To draft model laws in various areas which require regulation through Islamic codes, while taking into consideration differences between schools of law in these areas and briefly adducing the relevant and necessary evidence. These laws should be published in the Islamic world for easy reference in the amendment process of existing legislations, laws, and regulations.
- To encourage serious jurisprudential research into contemporary challenges and developments by the Academy’s Departments and Committees and by universities and other academic institutions.
- To establish centres for Islamic studies in some of the focal areas outside Muslim countries and to cooperate with existing centres in order to achieve the Academy’s objectives, monitor publications on Islam in their regions, and refute any misrepresentation of Islam.
- To revive different types of Islamic heritage including books addressing exegesis, hadith, creed and other areas of knowledge with special emphasis on the fundamentals of jurisprudence, the ultimate purposes (Maqasid) of Islamic Shariah, jurisprudence, and comparative jurisprudence; to publish unpublished works in the above fields after examining them; and to translate the classics of this heritage into major Muslim and world languages.
- To take stock of the various existing Fiqh academies, institutions, and organs inside and outside the Muslim world with a view to identifying entities and bodies with which the Academy may cooperate and coordinate its action.
- To seek the assistance of experts in various empirical and scientific fields to study the issues referred to the Academy.
- To hold international academic conferences and symposia to discuss specific issues or problematic or multidisciplinary topics, which require jurisprudential research and discussion on a broader scale than normally provided by the meetings of the Academy Council, Departments, and Committees.
- Striving to increase interest in studying Islamic Jurisprudence in order to re-establish it as an integral component of Islamic Thought and culture.
- To publish all the Academy’s proceedings, resolutions, religious rulings, and the most important research submitted to it in the Academy’s peer-reviewed Journal as well as on its worldwide Internet website; to make this material available on digital devices; and to translate it into major Muslim and world languages and disseminate it by all means available.
- To publish a peer-reviewed journal under authentic scientific norms, to serve the purpose of researching and studying issues from the perspective of Shariah and Fiqh, and in order to publish the research of scholars and academics.
- Academy members should be Muslim jurisprudential scholars (Fuqaha) specialized in the different areas of Islamic knowledge and learning or in religious comparative studies.
- An academy member should meet the following criteria:
- To be committed to Islam in both belief and conduct.
- To be specialized in Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh), well-versed in Shariah sciences, and to have deep knowledge of the reality of the Muslim world and the contemporary world.
- To master the Arabic language.
- To have impeccable reputation and conduct.
- To be committed to the defense of the causes of the Ummah, its civilization, and its culture; and to be dedicated to its empowerment and the realization of its material and moral rights.
- Each Member State of the OIC shall nominate one scholar (Faqih) to represent it as an active member in the Council of the Academy and . The appointment shall be made by a decision of the Council or the Bureau, if the Council is not in session.
- The Council may choose Active Members other than the representatives of Member States, in accordance with Article X.
- By decision of the Council based on the recommendation of the Bureau, the Secretary General of the Academy, or the OIC Secretary General, the Council membership shall include Islamic scholars and Fuqaha , as Active members, from the Muslim Communities of non-OIC Member States or from Islamic Organizations which serve the Academy’s objectives, provided that no community or organization shall be represented by more than one member.
- The number of the Academy’s Active Members, from outside OIC Member States, mentioned in the above two paragraphs, shall not exceed one third of the total number of members .
- The Academy shall take into consideration the diversity of Islamic schools of law in order to ensure representation of the different schools of law of the Ummah.
- The Council of the Academy may include correspondent members or experts from Member States or elsewhere – taking into account of paragraph V – whose membership is deemed useful. The correspondent members or experts may attend the Council meetings and participate in its discussions but without having the right to vote. By decision of the Bureau, the correspondent members or experts may be admitted to one of its departments.
- The Corresponding Member must fulfill the following conditions:
- To fulfill the prerequisites of becoming a member of the Academy.
- To cooperate with the Academy in the preparation of research requested for a period of at least three Sessions and after this period, the Council may grant him the status of an expert.
- Active members other than States representatives shall be elected by a decision of two thirds of the Council members attending the meeting in which the candidature is submitted.
- The Bureau may request from the OIC Secretary General to ask any Member State to nominate an alternative candidate to its initial choice, based on the view expressed by the Bureau about the State’s initial candidate.
- Membership of the Academy shall expire on one of the following two grounds:
- Resignation approved by the Academy Council.
- Physical incapacity or death.
- Membership of the Academy shall be terminated by a decision of the Council approved by two thirds of the Academy’s Active Members participating in the meeting discussing the membership termination.
- Membership termination shall be suggested by the Bureau, the President, or the Secretary General of the Academy the member fails to fulfill one or more prerequisites of the membership aforementioned in Para. 2, Article V of the present statute.
- Membership termination shall be suggested to the Council by the Bureau, the President, or the Secretary General of the Academy in the following situations:
- Unjustified absence during three consecutive Sessions of the Academy.
- Committing an act or expressing or publishing an opinion weakening the Islamic position on any matter of relevance to the general causes of the Muslim Ummah, unless he should—of his own accord or at the request of the Bureau—retract his opinion or apologize for the act in question.
- One fourth of the Academy active members shall write proposal for the revocation of a member explaining the reasons of his disqualification.
- In all cases, the State represented by the member whose membership is revoked shall be informed of the vacancy of his post in the Academy and shall be invited to nominate a substitute. For those members who are not representatives of the Member States and whose membership expires or is revoked, the Academy Council itself shall designate their substitute.
The Academy shall be composed of the following:
- The Council of the Academy.
- The Divisions.
- The Bureau.
- The Secretariat-General of the Academy
- The Council or the Bureau shall delegate the President or the Secretary-General of the Academy to exercise some of the powers entrusted to them in a specific manner which is not incompatible with the principal tasks of the Council.
- The Secretary-General of the Academy shall delegate any employee deemed appropriate to conduct some of his tasks on a specific and provisional basis.
- The Council shall be composed of all the Active Members of the Academy. At its first meeting, the Council shall elect a President for the Academy and three Vice-Presidents for a three-year term with due consideration to the geographical representation of the OIC Member States.
- The Council shall hold an annual session at the invitation of the Secretary-General of the Academy in coordination with the President of the Academy, and if the session is held outside the country of the headquarters, the representative of the host country shall be the Vice-President of that session.
- The Council may, when necessary, hold an extraordinary session to consider one or more urgent issues, at the request of one fourth of the Active Members, or upon the decision of the Bureau, or upon the request of the OIC Secretary-General, the Academy President, or Academy Secretary-General. Invitations for an extraordinary session shall be addressed by the Academy Secretary-General and shall indicate the issues scheduled for discussion.
- The Council’s meetings shall be valid upon the attendance of an absolute majority of its Active Members. Decisions shall be taken by majority vote of the attending members participating in the ballot, except in those cases where a special majority is required under the terms of the present Statute.
- The Academy President or one of his deputies, if necessary, shall chair the Council sessions. In case of equally-divided votes, the vote of the Session’s Chairman shall be preponderant on any resolution or recommendation submitted to the Council.
- Invitations may be addressed to representatives of Fiqh academies, institutions, or bodies that are in contact with the Academy, to attend the Council’s ordinary sessions without having any right of vote.
- At the beginning of each meeting, the Council shall adopt its agenda prepared by the Academy Secretariat-General. And, excepting for extraordinary sessions, the members may add any subject under the agenda item of “any other business”, after the approval of the Council.
- The Academy Secretary-General shall be entrusted with the Secretariat of the Council’s sessions. He shall also supervise the writing down of minutes of proceedings and shall announce the Council’s decisions and recommendations.
- At each session, the Council’s Chairman shall designate a rapporteur and a committee for the drafting of resolutions, from amongst the Active Members attending.
- Issue resolutions and recommendations on the various issues on the agenda.
- Discuss jurisprudential studies and research.
- Adopt the plan approved by the Academy Secretariat-General for the activities of Departments, branches, and offices as well as that of any standing or ad-hoc committees that may be established by the Council itself, the Departments, or the Secretariat-General of the Academy.
- Select and appoint the Academy’s Non-Member States’ representative Active Members, based on the recommendation of the Bureau, the OIC Secretary-General, the Academy President or Secretary-General in accordance with Article V, Para. 5, of the present Statute.
- Approve the accession of correspondent members and experts, based on the recommendation of the Bureau, the Academy Secretary-General, or seven Active Members.
- Recommend the establishment of branches or offices for the Academy in accordance with Article II, Para. 2, of the present Statute.
- Elaborate the required regulations for the establishment of branches and offices outside the Council’s headquarters, in and outside Member States, based on the proposal of the Academy President or Secretary-General.
- Select six members representing the OIC geographical groups for the membership of the Bureau for a three-year term.
- Approve the Academy Active Members’ affiliation to Departments.
- Issue the Internal Regulations that govern the Academy’s work, based on the proposal of the Bureau.
- Endorse the establishment of new Departments, based on the proposal of the Academy Secretary-General and the approval of the Bureau.
- The Academy shall include the following Departments:
- Fatwa Department.
- Research, Studies, and Islamic Heritage Department.
- Department for the Rapprochement between the followers of Islamic schools of law.
- Translation and Publication Department.
- Department of Lexicons and Encyclopedias.
- Legislations Department.
- Planning and Follow-up Department.
- Department for the Dialogue between followers of other religions and cultures.
- The President shall be the Chairman of the Fatwa Department and the Academy Secretary-General shall be his Deputy. The Fatwa Department shall include in its membership the representatives of the main Fiqh Academies which are Members of the Academy.
- Additional Departments may be established based on a resolution of the Council, in accordance with Article XI of the present Statute.
- Every active or correspondent member of the Academy shall join one of the above-mentioned Departments of the Academy.
- A member may participate in more than one Department, but not more than three. He may also choose to change his department membership to another, after informing the Bureau.
- Any Department may divide up its members into different sub-committees for specific themes.
- The Bureau shall issue the internal regulations governing the work of the Departments and sub-committees based on the proposal of the Academy Secretary-General.
- The Academy Council shall have a Bureau composed of the Secretary-General as Chairman, the Academy President as Vice-Chairman, and, as members, the Secretary-General and six Academy members to be elected by the Academy Council from amongst its Active Members, in accordance with Article X, Para. 8, of the present Statute. Should the OIC Secretary-General and the Academy President not attend, the Bureau shall elect from amongst its members a Session Chairman while the Academy Secretary-General shall act as the Secretary-General of this Bureau.
- The Bureau shall assume the functions related to the regular activities of the Academy based on the proposals of the OIC Secretary-General, the Academy President or Secretary-General which do not fall within the mandate of the Academy Council. Two meetings shall be convened on an annual basis other than the meeting preceding the session, while an emergency meeting of the Bureau may also be convened based on a decision and consideration of the Bureau.
- The Bureau may advise the OIC Secretary-General or the Academy Secretary-General on matters that cannot await the meeting of the Council and do not require an extraordinary session of the Council to be convened.
- The Bureau shall approve the Agenda of the Council, which shall be prepared by the Academy Secretariat-General.
- A- The Bureau shall recommend the admission of Academy members to the Council and may also propose the admission of correspondent members, in accordance with the present Statute.
B- The Bureau shall elect Academy members from the Member states representatives during the sessions of the Academy, in accordance with the present statute.
C- The Bureau may examine the draft budget presented by the Academy Secretary-General, to submit and prepare for its approval by the OIC Permanent Financial Committee of the Organization.
D- The Bureau shall follow up the proceedings of the Academy sessions as well as the activities of the Secretariat-General and meetings of the Departments and subcommittees in light of the present Statute and the Executive Regulations as well as the by-laws and decisions governing the work of Departments and committees, through the reports submitted to the Bureau by the Academy President or Secretary-General regarding the work progress within the Academy.
E- The Bureau shall recommend to the Academy Council any and all decisions it deems appropriate regarding the work of the Academy.
- The Academy shall have a Secretariat-General presided by the Academy Secretary-General.
- The Academy Secretariat-General shall assume the functions entrusted to it under the present Statute and the Executive Regulations as well as under all by-laws of the Academy and resolutions of the Council. The Secretariat-General shall also assume all administrative activities and financial matters pertaining to the Academy, its Departments and committees.
- The Secretariat-General shall be responsible for keeping the papers and documents of the Academy and for ordering and classifying them, in addition to keeping the minutes of meetings of the Council, Departments, and committees, implementing their resolutions, and informing their members thereof.
- An adequate number of competent personnel shall be employed under the authority of the Academy Secretary-General, while professional grades employees of the Secretariat-General shall be appointed by the OIC Secretary-General based on their nomination by the Academy Secretary-General.
- The Academy Secretary-General shall establish the necessary Departments in order to manage the academic, administrative, financial, and public relations activities as well as conferences and symposia which shall all function under the Secretary-General’s direct supervision. All the activities shall be carried out in accordance with the Executive Regulations approved by the Council.
- The OIC Secretary-General shall appoint the Academy Secretary-General from amongst its Active Members for a term of four years renewable only once. The OIC Secretary-General may, upon the approval of the Ministerial Council, renew the appointment of the Academy Secretary-General for one or more terms.
- The Academy Secretary-General shall be the immediate superior of the Secretariat-General‘s employees.
- The Academy Secretary-General shall assume the organization and streamlining of work at the Secretariat-General in accordance with the general interest.
- The Academy Secretary-General shall appoint administrative and support staff, and may upgrade and sanction them, in accordance with OIC Personnel Regulations,.
- The Academy Secretary-General may suggest the promotion and recruitment of employees as well as the application of disciplinary actions provided under the OIC Personnel Regulations, in addition to referral to investigative procedures or to the Disciplinary Council if deemed necessary.
- The Academy Secretary-General shall be accountable for the implementation of its resolutions and the follow-up of its recommendations.
- The Academy Secretary-General shall be the direct authority for all newly-established Academy branches, research centers, and offices.
- The Academy Secretary-General shall prepare the agenda of the Council meetings in its regular sessions as well as the agenda of the meetings of the Bureau.
- The Academy Secretary-General shall be the official spokesman on behalf of the Academy and shall represent the Academy to other parties:
- The Academy Secretary-General shall issue statements described as urgent matters in the light of current events and the Academy may comment with it after consulting the Academy President, provided that the Council should be informed at its next meeting.
- The Academy Secretary-General may issue fatwas -after consulting the Academy President – on matters of which the Academy already issued a jurisprudential resolution, and which have been resolved among ancient and modern scholars.
- As for the questions which the Academy has not yet issued a resolution, and its rulings have not been agreed between scholars, they will be presented to the Council to issue its ruling according to Shariah.
- 1. The Academy Secretary-General shall specifically be responsible for the study the jurisprudential and intellectual issues forwarded to him by the OIC or other Islamic institutions and express opinions thereon which shall be presented to the Council for jurisprudential interpretation and debate. The Secretary-General shall have the right to express legal opinions during his participation in OIC conferences.
2. A- Prepare and present to the Academy Council the Academy‘s Draft Budget and Closing Accounts in accordance with the Financial Rules and Regulations in force at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and present it to the bureau for discussion and consultation, and then take the necessary procedures for its appropriate approval in accordance with the present statute.
B. Propose expenditure items and chapters; and approve expenditures within the appropriations allocated for each budget chapter.
C. Request , when necessary ,the increase of allocations for certain items, for the service of the Academy, in accordance with the provisions of the OIC Financial Regulations.
D. Transfer funds from one chapter to another within the approved budget.
3. Correspond with officials of the OIC Member States or with whom it may concern and coordinate with them on convening and organizing the Academy sessions.
4. Announce the dates for convening the Council sessions on consultation with the Academy President.
5. Announce academic research subjects in coordination with the Bureau.
6. Appoint scholars and associates for research submitted to the Academy sessions from amongst the Academy Members and Experts as well as others; and to submit such appointments to the Bureau for approval.
7. Preside over the Editorial Board of the Academy’s Journal and supervise the publication of books, periodicals, publications, and other materials.
8. Supervise the Academy’s website on the world wide web (the Internet).
9. Conclude agreements and contracts with academic bodies and commercial institutions within the limits of the approved budget in the service of the Academy’s objectives.
10. Recruit experts and scholars outside the Academy’s membership when necessary.
11. Call for the convening of symposia and lectures that serve the objectives of the Academy, address relevant invitations thereto, and supervise the organization of forums as well as media and Dawah activities.
The Academy Secretariat-General shall produce and keep under the direct supervision of the Academy Secretary-General all records of the minutes of Council meetings, the Bureau and the academic departments as well as the records of the legal opinions and statements issued by the Academy.
- The Academy shall have an independent budget, which shall be approved as a single figure together with the Budget of the Secretariat-General, and shall be paid directly to the Academy by the OIC Member States.
- The Academy’s resources shall be composed of the budget allocated to it as well as the returns of sales of the Academy’s publications and printed and electronic materials, in addition to the various donations received, the returns of the Academy’s investments on its own funds, and the returns of its Waqf Fund.
- The Academy Secretariat-General may approve all donations earmarked for a specific activity, whether permanent or provisional, within approved financial regulations. If donations are conditional, they should be presented to the Bureau before approval.
- The OIC Secretary-General shall issue the Executive Regulations of the present Statute upon the proposal of the Academy Secretary-General and recommendation of the Bureau.
- The Council shall issue Internal Regulations in order to organize its activities on the basis of the proposals of the Bureau.
- The Bureau shall issue Regulations related to the activities of Departments and its subcommittees upon proposals by the Academy Secretary-General.
- Amendment of the above-mentioned Regulations shall be effected by the decision of the authority which issued them.
All Academy employees and staff shall be subject to the Regulations, By-laws, and Directives relating to the OIC staff and shall specifically be subject to the regulations stipulated under the OIC Personnel Regulations and Amendments thereto (OIC/ICFM-32/2005/AF/PR/FINAL).
- The present Statute shall be promulgated by a resolution of the OIC Foreign Ministers upon the proposal of the OIC Secretary-General.
- The present Statute shall be amended upon the decision of the Ministerial Council, on the basis of a proposal volunteered by the Secretary-General or on the proposal of two-thirds of the Council’s Active Members submitted by the Academy Secretary-General to the OIC Secretary-General.
- The present Statute and its Amendments shall come into force as of the date of their promulgation by the Ministerial Council unless the Council decides on a different date. All texts and provisions contrary to the present Statute are hereby rescinded.