Resolution of the 13th Conference of Foreign Ministers on the Creation of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy
22 November، 1984

Resolution No. 20/13-D.

Resolution of the 13th Conference of Foreign Ministers on the Creation of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy

The 13th Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, held in Niamey, Niger, on 3-7 Dhu Quida 1402H (22-26 August 1982),

Recalling Resolution No. 8/3-D of the 3rd Islamic Summit Conference in Makkah and Taif on the creation of an Islamic Fiqh Academy

Referring to Resolution No. 4-12/16 adopted by the 12th Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the subject,

Taking note of the recommendations of the 8thand 9th Sessions of the Islamic Committee on Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs held in this connection

Having reviewed the results of the Extensive Experts Committee meeting held in Jeddah, and the new version of the Statutes of the Islamic Fiqh Academy,

Having reviewed the explanatory note submitted by the Secretariat General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference on this subject:

  • Approves the final version of the draft statute of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy.
  • Stresses that the Secretariat General should coordinate and cooperate with the host state (Saudi Arabia) in order to convene the General Constitutive Conference of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy as soon as possible, so as to complete the necessary procedures for the establishment of the Academy.
Requests the Secretariat General to submit all the observations and suggestions by Member states on the Academy Statute and submit them to the Constitutive Conference of the Islamic Fiqh Academy for examination and appropriate decision.
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