13th Weekly Meeting of Departments’ Directors
6 January، 2021

The Secretary-General of the Academy opened the 13th weekly meeting of the directors of the Academy’s departments on Monday 21 Jamada Al-Oula 1442, corresponding to 04 January 2021, by welcoming the participants.

His Excellency spoke about the honorable visit of H.E. Sheikh Saleh bin Humaid, President of the Academy, to the headquarters of the Secretariat General, during which he inspected the developments and reforms in the departments and divisions, expressing his joy for this visit and his thanks to H.E. Sheikh Saleh bin Humaid for his continued support to the Academy, especially for his commendable effort, which resulted in the final approval of the amended statute of the Academy.

The meeting resulted in several decisions, the most important of which are as follows:

-Preparation of the research papers of the last five sessions for printing.

-Contacting Member states that do not have representative members to nominate those they consider suitable to represent their countries in the Academy.

-Printing the status of the Waqf Fund and the Academy.

-Translating the resolutions and recommendations of the Academy into the most important languages within the OIC for the benefit of the Muslim world and Muslim societies, in particular: Swahili, Anko, Hausa, Malay, Farsi, Turkish, Urdu, Russian and Spanish.

-Identifying topics for the 25th session after approval by the Bureau.

-Fixing 26 January 2021 as the date of the Scientific Forum to be held between the Academy and the members of the Shariah Councils in Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.


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