The Secretary-General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, H.E. Prof. Koutoub Sano, chaired the fifth periodic meeting of the heads of the Academy’s divisions on Thursday 23 Jamada Al-Oula 1442, corresponding to 7 January 2021.
His Excellency thanked the Heads of divisions for their efforts in promoting the Academy at all levels. His Excellency noted that Academy’s strategic plan will be printed in the three official languages of the OIC, particularly Arabic, English and French, and will be made available to all the OIC and Academy’s departments by the end of January.
His Excellency stated that the implementation of the articles of the strategic plan will begin next February, Allah willing. Accordingly, the departments and divisions should start organizing themselves to comply with the activities and programs strictly. His Excellency also stressed the need for the department of finance, investments and projects in cooperation with the department of administrative and financial affairs to update the budget items to comply with the requirements of the strategic plan and to seek co-financiers for different activities and programs.
His Excellency mentioned that the secret of success in each action, after the help of Allah the Almighty, lies in cooperation and integration, and when everyone feels responsible for the success of this project. He also stressed the need to be tolerant, open-minded, and refrain from the absurd things that would disrupt the institution’s workflow.
His Excellency cited the hadith of Allah’s Messenger, may the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him, “The strong man is not the one who wrestles, but the strong man is, in fact, the one who controls himself in a fit of rage” and the hadith “The tale-bearer shall not enter Paradise.”, stressing that this fully applies to all those who seek corruption among colleagues.
His Excellency said that the intention of mentioning these noble ahadith is to purify souls, join hearts and integrate efforts to implement the Academy’s strategic plan in the best and most effective way. At the end of the meeting, His Excellency thanked the heads of divisions for sending their remarks on the strategic plan’s articles.
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