H.E. Prof. Koutoub Sano visits the Headquarters of the Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the OIC
26 February، 2021

H.E. Prof. Koutoub Sano, Secretary General of the Academy paid a working visit to the headquarters of the Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the OIC in Jeddah, with a delegation from the Academy, on Tuesday morning 11 Rajab 1442 corresponding to 23 February 2021. His Excellency was received by H.E. Ambassador Mohamed Nejm, Permanent Representative of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the OIC.

The Ambassador welcomed His Excellency and the accompanying delegation and thanked them for their visit. He also reiterated the support of the Arab Republic of Egypt – as government and people – to the Academy to enable it carry out its mission in the best possible way.

For his part, the Secretary General of the Academy thanked the Ambassador and his assistants for their continued support and also requested the Ambassador to convey to the Egyptian authorities the great recognition of the Academy, its members and experts, to the Egyptian government for its continued support since the Academy’s creation to date. His Excellency took this opportunity to inform the Ambassador that the Secretariat General of the Academy has completed its five-year strategic plan, the first of its kind since its creation and that it includes a precise formulation of the most important activities and programs that the Academy intends to implement over the next five years.

His Excellency said that this plan’s implementation was part of the Academy’s efforts to familiarize OIC Member states its activities and programs clearly and consistently. It also aims to highlight the Academy’s efforts and achievements in enhancing cooperation, integration, and coordination with Fatwah Councils inside and outside the Muslim world.

His Excellency noted that it is very important for Member states to see the crucial impact of the Academy’s intellectual contributions to the life of their people through its resolutions, recommendations and declarations which are based on the values of moderation, tolerance and coexistence, and to provide appropriate Shariah solutions to the problems of contemporary life, and to clarify the Shariah provisions on calamities, novelties and issues of concern to Muslims around the world.

His Excellency also expressed to the Ambassador the aspiration of the Secretariat General of the Academy to sign cooperation agreements and memorandums of understanding between the Academy and the prestigious scientific institutions in the Arab Republic of Egypt, mainly al-Azhar University, the Islamic Research Academy, Dar Al Ifta, and Cairo University. It is expected that these agreements will be an opportunity for the Academy to benefit from the contributions and experiences of eminent scholars, jurisconsults and experts emanating from these great Egyptian institutions.

On his part, Ambassador Muhammad Najm expressed his deep content with this honorable visit and affirmed his willingness to provide all possible support to the Academy. He also congratulated His Excellency for these remarkable developments and the manifest changes that have taken place in the Academy’s activities since His Excellency’s assumption of office, which has become a place of admiration and tribute to every visitor to the Academy’s headquarters in Jeddah.

The Secretary General of the Academy took this opportunity to extend to the Ambassador the official invitation submitted to him by the Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs of Egypt to participate in the 31st Conference of the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs to be held in March in Cairo. His Excellency welcomed the invitation and promised to respond.

On the Academy’s side, the delegation consisted of Mr. Mohamed Shouk, Dr. Ayman Abdul Karim, Mr. Amjad Ibrahim Mustafa, Mme Sarah Amjad Hussein and on the Egyptian side, Mme Moushira Al-Ammari.

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