23rd Weekly Meeting of Departments Directors
16 March، 2021

The twenty-third weekly meeting of the directors of Academy’s departments was held on Monday 02 Sha’aban 1442, corresponding to 15 March 2021, under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of the Academy, Prof Koutoub Moustapha Sano.

His Excellency opened the meeting by welcoming the participants and then spoke about the official working hours in force at the OIC and its subsidiary organs, which prescribes working hours to be seven hours.

In order to comply with the scheduled working hours of the OIC Secretariat General and its subsidiary organs in the headquarters state, His Excellency prescribed the adoption of official working hours from 08:30 am to 03:30 pm, and also prescribed the adoption of flexible working hours in two parts, namely starting from eight am to three pm or nine am to four pm.

Finally, His Excellency stressed to all departments the need to implement their activities and programmes as provided for in the annual strategic plan.

The meeting resulted in several decisions, notably:

-Preparing luxurious copies of the fourth edition of the book of resolutions and the five-year strategic plan for dedication to high-level personalities.

-Installing CCTV cameras in the building’s internal corridors to ensure the safety of the Academy and its staff.

-Updating the translation of the revised strategic plan in its final form in English and French by 22 March 2021.

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