At the invitation of the International Islamic University in Malaysia, His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano gives a closing speech in the Revision of “Interacting with Surat Al-Mulk”
18 May، 2021

Within the framework of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy’s endeavor to spread the idea of moderation and balance between thought and behavior, and in the midst of its desire to contribute to enhancing awareness of the importance of caring for the Holy Qur’an through reading, understanding, contemplation, and extrapolation of secrets and wisdom, and profiting from the directives and endless benefits of the Holy Quran, His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the Academy delivered the closing speech in the Ramadan revision organized by the Department of Graduates Affairs of the International Islamic University in Malaysia on Wednesday 23 of Ramadan 1442 corresponding to May 5, 2021 under the title “Interacting with Surat Al-Mulk: Reading, Understanding, Applying”.

A number of prominent university graduates participated in the study, headed by the American preacher Omar Suleiman, who presented a simplified explanation of several meanings contained in the thirty verses of the great Surat Al-Mulk. His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Sano, on his part, highlighted in his speech the importance of knowing the reasons of the revelation of the verses, and the social contexts behind them. It happens that the polytheists decided to use secrecy when talking about the Messenger of God, Peace Be Upon Him, wrongly believing that God would not know what they are saying and doing. Therefore, the Surah was revealed indicating and confirming that God knows what they reveal and what they hide when they are badmouthing the prophet.

His Excellency also indicated the status of this surah and the benefit of reading it every night, and explained that it has several names, the most important of which are: Al-Munjiyah (the saviour), Al-Mani`ah (the preventor), Al-Waqiyah (the protector), and Al-Mujadilah (the arguer). It was called Munjiyyah because it saves its reader from the torment of the grave, and it is called Mani`ah because it prevents its reader from the torment of the grave. It was also called Waqiyah because reading it is protective of the torment of the grave, and it is called Mujadilah because it argues on behalf of its reader when asked by the two angels in the grave. His Excellency also indicated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, recited this surah and Surat al-Sajdah every single night before he went to bed. He also, peace be upon him, instructed his companions to read it every night.

Consequently, His Excellency called on the participants to follow this blessed advice from the Prophet, peace be upon him, and to make sure to read this surah every night, and he urged sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, neighbors, acquaintances, and friends to read it every night in order to obtain the reward and be saved from the torment of the grave. His Excellency also clarified that the secret in the specialization of this Meccan surah with this virtue and characteristic is due to the meanings that this Surah bears indicating the greatness of God and his distancing from imperfection, and his uniqueness in creation. His Excellency concluded his speech with the supplication to God Almighty to hasten the demise of the pandemic, and to lift the agony from the Ummah. He also prayed for the graduates and wished them success and prosperity.

It is worth mentioning that His Excellency had previously taught at the International Islamic University in Malaysia for nearly sixteen years, and was Dean of External Relations and Scientific Innovations at the same university.

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