16th Periodic Meeting of the Divisions Heads
3 July، 2021

His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, presided over the sixteenth periodic meeting of the divisions’ heads of the Academy on Thursday 1st July 2021, where he started by welcoming the attendees, and pointing out the importance of adhering to the schedule of the periodic meetings in order to achieve the objectives of the strategic plan. He also highlighted the importance of cooperation and flexibility among all the staff to carry out the work of the Academy in the best possible way.

His Excellency also spoke about the results of the visit he made with the delegation accompanying him to the headquarters of the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Jeddah and his meeting with His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Saleh Al-Suhaibani, the KSA’s permanent representative to the OIC. HE also mentioned the visit of the American Consul and Special Envoy of his country to the OIC, to the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Academy. After that, His Excellency moved to consider the items on the meeting’s agenda and discussed with the heads of the divisions the topics concerning them. The meeting resulted in a number of decisions, notably:

1. Confirmation of posting the fourth edition book of the decisions of the Academy on the website of the Academy.

2. Publishing the biographies of the scholars of the Academy, both those deceased and those still among us, in the monthly newsletter of the Academy by order of seniority.

3. Summarizing the news of the periodic administrative meetings of the Academy published in the monthly newsletter into three main headings: a report on the weekly meetings of the heads of the departments, a report on the bi-monthly meetings of the heads of divisions, and a report on the monthly meetings of the staff of the Academy.

4. Assigning Mr. Walid Al-Hadrami to compile the biographies of the late scholars of the Academy.

5. Begin the process of translating the Academy’s statements published on its official website into English and French.

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