22nd Periodic Meeting of Divisions Heads
4 October، 2021

On Thursday, 23 Safar 1443H corresponding to September 30, 2021G, His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA), chaired the twenty second periodic meeting of the heads of divisions at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Academy.

His Excellency began the meeting by welcoming the attendees, stressing the keenness of everyone to implement and activate the decisions of the periodic meetings because of their importance in managing the flow of the work and activities of the Academy. His Excellency also stressed the importance of the Academy’s newsletter, as it documents all its activities and is used in preparing its own periodic and annual reports, as well as informing partners and the public in general about the Academy and what it does.

In the same context, His Excellency praised the Academy’s recent newsletter and the praise and approval it received from everybody, as it included additional information about the lives of the departed members and experts of the Academy in a touch of gratitude to them for the great services they rendered to the Academy. His Excellency also thanked the colleagues who made appreciable efforts in searching for the CVs of those members and experts and making them available to the public in an honorable and decent manner.

The meeting discussed a number of topics, and took a number of decisions regarding them, the most important of which are:

  • Early preparation for holding two specialized symposia on “the importance of Islamic values ​​within the family” and “the phenomenon of atonement in the present era”, which were decided to be held during the first semester of 2022.
  • Directing the Gifts Committee to submit a detailed periodic report on all the parties that received the Academy’s publications.
  • Urging all departments to finish processing their annual reports quickly and submit them to the Planning Department so that they can be compiled and issued in a unified report on the occasion of a year’s completion since His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Sano assumed the reins of the General Secretariat of the Academy.
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