IIFA and the Islamic Fiqh Academy of Sudan sign a Memorandum of Cooperation
12 October، 2021

Within the framework of strengthening relations of cooperation, partnership and coordination between the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA) and many scientific institutions that are active in the field of legal studies and scientific research inside and outside the Islamic world, and based on the goals of the Academy, which provides for the encouragement of collective diligence in contemporary life issues and problems with the aim of providing solutions stemming from Sharia, His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the Academy, signed with His Excellency Dr. Abdel Rahim Adam Muhammad Suleiman, President of the Sudanese Islamic Fiqh Academy, on Tuesday, 06 of Rabi’ al-Awwal 1443H corresponding to October 12, 2021G.

The memorandum aims to build a broad strategic partnership in the field of supporting the scientific and research capabilities of the two institutions, especially with regard to the study of Islamic Fiqh, and the study of calamities and phenomena in the fields of theoretical and applied natural sciences, through scientific research and valuable Fiqh studies and applying them to the reality of contemporary life in order to express the legal opinion on it, and provide appropriate solutions.

The memorandum also aims to enhance cooperation, continuous communication, and to strengthen coordination between the two institutions in the areas of organizing conferences and symposia, holding workshops and training, exchanging brochures and publications, and representing the two sides in the conferences and symposia they organize in the field of common interest between them.

In implementation of the terms of the memorandum, the two parties agreed to form a specialized committee to determine the aspects of cooperation between them, and the ways and mechanisms of implementation as envisaged in the memorandum itself. It should be noted that the term of the agreement is three years from the day of signing, and it is automatically renewed at the end of the term unless one of the parties expresses its desire to terminate it.

Commenting on this memorandum, His Excellency Prof. Sano said: “We hope that this memorandum will be the beginning of a new phase in the solid cooperation relations between the International Islamic Fiqh Academy and the Islamic Fiqh Academy in Sudan in order to coordinate efforts and provide effective solutions to the problems of contemporary life, and to all issues that concern Muslims around the world. The Sudanese Islamic Fiqh Academy will find from us all the support and encouragement to enable it to clarify the legal rulings on issues and problems that concern Muslims in the Republic of Sudan”.

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