His Eminence Sheikh Mohammad Ahmed Mohammad Hussein
7 September، 2021

Born in 1950 in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Jerusalem, capital of Palestine, H.E. Sheikh Mohammad Ahmed Mohammad Hussein received a bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Shariah at the University of Jordan in 1973 and a master’s degree from Al-Quds University. Since 1982, His Eminence has been teaching and preaching at Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Islamic Orphanage in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Islamic High School in Jerusalem. From 2006 to the present, Sheikh Hussein has served as the Grand Mufti of Palestine’s Dar Al Ifta, Director of the Department of Al-Aqsa Mosque Affairs from 1986 to 2006, and Observer of Islamic Guidance in the Department of Awqaf in Jerusalem. He has also served as Chairman of the Supreme Council of Ifta in Palestine, Chairman of the Advisory Board of the College of Quranic and Islamic Studies, founding member of the Council of Scholars and Preachers in Jerusalem, member of the Board of Directors of the Martyr Yasser Arafat Foundation, general supervisor of Dar Al-Isra magazine in Palestine, member of the General Secretariat of the National People’s Assembly in Jerusalem, member of the Board of Trustees of the Jerusalem Waqf Fund, member of the Board of Trustees of the Khaled Al-Hassan Center for Cancer Treatment and Bone Marrow Transplant, Head of the Christian-Islamic Committee, member of the Muslim World League, member of the General Secretariat of Ifta Councils, member of Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought in Jordan, member of the Supreme Islamic Council and of the Board of Trustees of the University of Palestine, member of the Council of Awqaf and Islamic Sanctuaries Affairs in Jerusalem, member of the Supreme Committee for Jerusalem (2020) as the capital of sports for Muslim countries, and former member of the Council of Islamic Awqaf in the West Bank. His Eminence has received several prestigious academic awards from Egypt, Palestine, Morocco, and Jordan. As a member of the Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, H.E. Sheikh Mohammad Ahmed Mohammad Hussein has represented the State of Palestine since April 10, 2007.

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