New Global Order, Globalization, Regional Blocs, and their Impacts
16 January، 2003

In the Name of Allāh,

the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful

Praise is due to Allāh, Lord of the worlds, may the blessings and peace be upon our master Muḥammad, the last of prophets, on his family, and all his companions.

Resolution No. 134 (8/14)

New Global Order, Globalization, Regional Blocs, and their Impacts

The Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, holding its 14th session in Doha, State of Qatar,on 7–13 Dhū al-Qi’dah 1423h (11–16 January 2003),

Having examined the research papers submitted to the Academy concerning the New Global Order, Globalization, Regional Blocs, and their Impacts,

Having listened to the discussions on the subject,


Definition of Globalization and New Global Order

Globalization in its apparent form and manifestations means easy movement of goods and ideas and removal of barriers between peoples and nations to the extent that it transforms the whole world into a small global village which is a direct consequence of contemporary advancement in technology and the emer- gence of new forms of global interaction such as Regional Groupings, World Trade Organization, cross-continent Companies, etc. This has been accompa- nied by deliberate efforts of the super powers to enforce the influence of western culture to serve their interests and impose control and hegemony over several aspects of human life. These super powers have continued to work for directing technological advancement to devise more modes and mechanisms for building their capabilities on the one hand and exercising more control and hegemony over human life on the other hand.

These developments are closely linked to what is called the New International Order, a concept now widely celebrated by international organizations and con- ferences that tend to deal with educational, economic, social, demographic and environmental issues in a way that serves the interests of the super powers and deepens the materialistic values of contemporary western culture.

Globalization in this form constitutes a flagrant challenge to the Ummah and the divine message that underlies its rightly guided civilization that realizes goodness for the human race in all aspects of life. This imposes a huge respon- sibility on scholars, politicians, thinkers, and leaders to pursue practical means

of bringing about a comprehensive renaissance of the Ummah in the different walks of political, cultural, economic and informational life. These efforts for revival are necessary in the following two areas:

First: consolidating the resilience of the Ummah generations against chal- lenges of contemporary practices of globalization and their accompanying west- ernization. This requires tremendous efforts to reconstruct the contemporary Islamic personality, which can face such challenges with the utmost conscious- ness, sagacity and deep, moderate, and well-balanced understanding of Islam. Such understanding integrates knowledge with faith, originality with modernity, and constant ideals with openness to time achievements. All this necessitates giving much care to the systems and curricula of education with particular em- phasis on religious subjects, and resisting any external interference in this respect. Second: Taking the reins of an initiative to deal with the tools and mech- anisms of Globalization with comprehensive and rational plans that address contemporary human societies in ways and languages they understand, without extemporization, shallowness, or shortsighted theorizing. Such initiative should cover, among others, areas of intellectual thinking, culture, and information and pursue the objectives of enhancing innovative practices in science and so- cio-economic development to ensure a decent life for every human being in

the global society.

Given these comprehensive plans and that Islam is a universal religion that has come for the good and happiness of all humanity in this life and in the af- ter-life, and given the fact that Islam is the final religion and the only faith that can be accepted by Allāh The Almighty from any individual,

The Academy recommends

  1. There should be a scholarly and objective wide-scope spread of informa- tion about the universality of Islam and the ideal solutions it offers for human beings’ problems in an approach that applies all possible
  2. Empowerment of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and its affiliate institutions as well as all other Islamic organizations, and enhanc- ing their roles to deepen the process of Islamic groupings, especially in the field of economy.
  3. Hard work has to be done to establish Common Islamic Markets and promote joint ventures and intra-investment in the Arab and Muslim
  4. Efforts should be exerted to reshape the relationship between the Muslim world and the New International Order in a way that affirms the in-

dependence of the Muslim countries and ensures full respect to their sovereignty and privacy to preserve the Islamic identity of their peoples.

  1. Working seriously to upgrade the scientific and technological capabilities of the Muslim countries and domestication of up-to-date
  2. Working to strengthen the relationships among the Islamic nations and achieve the Islamic unity in the face of various challenges.
  3. Emphasizing the co-existence of originality and modernity as the two fundamental elements of the Islamic Discourse and developing the tools that the Islamic Discourse could use for enlightening the Muslim masses and disseminating the noble progressive message of Islam without exag- geration and extremism on the one hand, or remissness and slackening on the other.
  4. Enhancing scholarly diligence in the institutes, colleges and universities of Shariah education, as well as fatwa Councils and Fiqh academies, so that the Ummah can be able to tackle emerging issues and new problems in the light of deep and comprehensive Shariah insight and work out the appropriate
  5. Using contemporary means and devices of communication, such as the satellite channels and the Internet, to disseminate prudent Islamic knowl- edge and portray the shiny picture of this religion.
  6. Coordination among governments and voluntary organizations of the Muslim countries in enlightening the international organizations and conferences about the distinct Islamic positions that can safeguard hu- manity against risks and evils that may

Indeed, Allāh is the Giver of Success.

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