Islamization of Education Curricula

In the Name of Allāh,

the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful

Praise is due to Allāh, Lord of the worlds, may the blessings and peace be upon our master Muḥammad, the last of prophets, on his family, and all his companions.

Resolution No. 138 (4/15) Islamization of Education Curricula

The Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, holding its 15th session in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, on 14–19 Muḥarram 1425h (6–11 March 2004),

Having examined the research papers submitted to the Academy concerning the Islamization of Education Curricula,

Having listened to the discussions on the subject,


  1. The process of Islamizing the education curricula should concentrate on designing the objectives, contents and evaluation methods of the curricu- la within the framework of the overall comprehensive Muslim world view of human being, universe, and life for the purpose of raising good indi- vidual, committed to his faith and capable of shouldering the function of vicegerent of Allāh The Almighty on earth, and accomplishing his assigned task of developing it in line with the Islamic values and principles.
  2. The educational activities should aim to implant and deepen Islamic val- ues in young generations’ minds and enable them to assimilate put them to real practice.
  3. The educational subjects and courses should be designed within the framework of the Muslim worldview, with due emphasis on incorporat- ing the various aspects of the Islamic vision (faith, Shariah, and way of life) in the course contents.
  4. Adopting the Islamic methodology with regard to approaches and means of education while making use of the modern means and techniques in this Special schemes may also be introduced to achieve specific pro- motional objectives, such as awarding prizes to inventors and innovators.
  5. Adherence to the Islamic values in performance appraisal of educational activities while making use of modern techniques and promoting coordi- nation and exchange of information among the educational institutions

of the Muslim countries.

  1. Updating, improving and developing the education curricula that exist in the Muslim countries, in order to reflect the Islamic originality as well as contemporary advancements without interference from any external
  2. Expanding the teaching of Arabic language in all levels of education so as to make the language of the Quran and the Sunnah the medium of edu- cation in order to preserve the Islamic identity and maintain linkage with the cultural heritage of Islamic studies which is mostly in this
  3. Purifying the teaching subjects in all disciplines from all intruding alien concepts, which do not conform to Islamic
  4. Enhancing the spirit of innovation, invention, constructive criticism, di- alogue, and moderation in the educational operation.
  5. Giving much care to the behavioral, epistemic, and educational prepa- ration of teachers and using teaching materials and learning books that align with the principles and values of Islam.
  6. Providing free and compulsory education at the primary level in all Muslim countries so as to eradicate illiteracy and equip the younger gen- erations with Islamic principles and modern knowledge.
  7. Abolishing the present dichotomy in education systems and adopting a consolidated system that flows from Islamic givings and principles while attending to the needs in the times in terms of scientific and special- ized knowledge and empowering teachers to stand for present and future
  8. Giving much attention to the Islamic principles and fundaments of edu- cation, as they should form the principal guide to the educational opera- Due care should also be given to moral education in order to equip students with the appropriate norms of conduct and behavioural values of Islam.
  9. Education curricula should include the essential teachings for enhancing Islamic unity, tolerance and pro-active co-living with the other
  10. Requesting the Secretariat General of the Academy to organize – in co- ordination with the Islamic Organization for Education, Science and Culture (ISESCO) and other concerned parties – a special seminar on Islamization of the Education Curricula, and make use of the previous efforts in this field, to prepare a comprehensive strategy for development and Islamization of the education curricula in the Muslim The

recommendations can then be submitted to the Organization of the Islamic Conference to present them to the Ministers of Education of the Muslim countries for consideration.

Indeed, Allāh is the Giver of Success.

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