Status of Women and their Social Role: An Islamic Perspective
28 June، 2006

In the Name of Allāh,

the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful

Praise is due to Allāh, Lord of the worlds, may the blessings and peace be upon our master Muḥammad, the last of prophets, on his family, and all his companions.

Resolution No. 159 (8/17) Status of Women and their Social Role:

An Islamic Perspective

The Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, holding its 17th session in Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on 28 Jumādā al-Ūlā – 2 Jumādā al-Ākhirah 1427h (24–28 June 2006),

Having examined the research papers submitted to the Academy concerning the Status of Women and their Social Role: An Islamic Perspective,

Having listened to the discussions on the subject,

Having recalled the Academy resolution no. 114 (8/12) concerning the Islamic Declaration on Role of Woman in the Development of Muslim Society which emphacized complementary roles of man and woman in forming a balanced Muslim society, and the importance of the family as the cornerstone in the structure of the Islamic society, and rejected any other presumptive form of family. The resolution stated that motherhood is the natural most important life-long function of woman and man and woman are equal in human dignity and woman the rights and obligations that suit her nature, capabilities and structure, and it also despised whatever diminution, disrespect or humiliation of woman’s dignity and personality and strongly rejected what is inflicted by some governments on the Muslim woman of depriving her the right to practice her religious commitments,


First: The international conferences convened on the subject of political, eco- nomic, social, civil, and cultural rights of women (Conferences on Population and Development) are founded on the concept of separating the different as- pects of life from religion and go further to even consider some of the Islamic principles and rules as a form of discrimination against woman.

Second: Caution should be taken against using the slogan of equality be- tween man and woman as an excuse for matters and practices that violate the values of the Islamic faith.

Third: Muslim woman should be protected against all practices, habits, cus-

toms and traditions which expose her to oppression or any aggression against her right to preserve her faith, dignity, honor, property, or any other right granted to her by the international principles of human rights, as well as the principles of Shariah.

Fourth: The international conferences on development and population and the agreements arising from them concerned the materialistic aspects ne- glected the spiritual objectives. They ignored the natural and essential function of women as the female head of the family entrusted with the great responsi- bility of bringing up the children appropriately; instead, they invite women to dissolution. This does not imply an oversight (on the part of the Academy) of the positive aspects they also include.

Fifth: These Conferences have also ignored and marginalized the role of the family in the social setup and legitimized perverted relationships in all their different forms.

Sixth: In view of the rapidly changing international environment, the Academy believes that Muslims have to follow up such changes and subject them to the rules of Shariah. The activities of the conferences that discuss woman-related issues should also be closely monitored. Muslim countries and organizations should develop a unified and Shariah-based position so that res- olutions of these conferences do not include violations of the Islamic principles and Shariah rulings.


  1. Active participation in international conferences on women’s issues and presentation of the Islamic alternative of social setup.
  2. The need for a wide scope informative familiarization about the position of Islam towards woman issues, especially her rights and duties; and dis- semination of such information in the different live languages all over the world.
  3. The Secretariat of the Academy should organize workshops and seminars to study the following:

    1. International agreements and conventions on development, population and women’s affairs, in order to work out the unified Islamic position towards their contents.
    2. The issue of woman’s political participation and its extents and criteria, in the light of the rules and Axioms and rulings of Shariah.

Indeed, Allāh is All-Knowing.

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