Human Resource Development in the Muslim World
14 July، 2007

In the Name of Allāh,

the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful

Praise is due to Allāh, Lord of the worlds, may the blessings and peace be upon our master Muḥammad, the last of prophets, on his family, and all his companions.

Resolution No. 164 (2/18)

Human Resource Development in the Muslim World

The Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, holding its 18th session in Putrajaya, Malaysia, on 24–29 Jumādā al-Ākhirah 1428h (9–14 July 2007),

Having examined the research papers submitted to the Academy concerning

Human Resource Development in the Muslim World, Having listened to the discussions on the subject,


First: The term “Human Resources” refers to the capabilities and expertise of the human being as he is the pillar of development, the undertaker of its functions and the in-charge of its responsibilities. Allāh The Almighty entrusted the human being with the responsibility of being His vicegerent in the earth, when He The Almighty said, «It is He who hath produced you from the earth and put you in charge of construction therein,» (Hūd, 61) and He The Almighty also said, «Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: I would create a vicegerent on the earth.» (Al-Baqarah, 30)

Second: The Islamic concept of human resource development stems from the simple premise that constructing the earth and undertaking the vicegerent function on it, are unattainable without preparing capable human beings who can dispose of these responsibilities with efficiency and control. Thus, it becomes necessary to build up the physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual capabil- ities of the human being to raise and unleash all his potentials.

Third: Developing human skills and competencies for achieving the objec- tives of comprehensive development as perceived by Islam cannot be achieved unless through education, learning and training. Therefore, the Academy re- confirms its resolution no. 138 (4/15) on Educational Curricula, which recom- mended several issues including the following:

  • Designing the educational subjects and courses within the framework of the Islamic worldview and perspective, with due emphasis on exhibiting the var- ious aspects of the Islamic vision (faith, Shariah, and way of life) in the course
  • Updating and developing the education and learning curricula in the var- ious Muslim countries to reflect originality with modernity. This should be done by the concerned countries themselves, without interference from any external party.
  • Purification of the teaching subjects in all disciplines from all intruding concepts which do not conform to Islamic principles.
  • Providing free and compulsory education at the basic level in all Muslim countries to eradicate illiteracy and equip the younger generations with Islamic principles and modern knowledge.
  • Abolishing the present dual system of education and adopting a consoli- dated system that attends to the needs of Islamic orientation and the needs in the modern spheres of knowledge. Such a shift would also empower the learners and enable them to stand present and future
  • Requesting the Secretariat of the Academy to organize – in coordination with the Islamic Organization for Education, Science and Culture (ISESCO) and other concerned parties – a special seminar for the objective of im- proving and raising the quality of education and learning curricula in Muslim countries and benefitting from the previous efforts in this field, so that a comprehensive strategy for developing educational curricula in the Muslim world. This strategy can then be presented to the Organization of the Islamic Conference for submission to the Ministers of Education of the Muslim

Fourth: The concept of useful knowledge is not restricted to religious stud- ies alone. It rather includes worldly knowledge that is useful to the Ummah and mankind. Useful knowledge is a collective duty (farḍ kifāyah) of Muslims as long as it benefits the Ummah.

Fifth: Education curricula designed for human development should include inculcating viewpoints and cultural values derived from the faith and well-es- tablished norms of the Ummah; which enhance the Muslim personality keen- ness always to do the good and create a spirit of hope. On top of such values and viewpoints are the sense of responsibility, taking the initiative, consultation, teamwork spirit, the value of time, self-confidence, constructive dialogue, respect of other opinions, purposive criticism, respect of specialization, appreciation of knowledge, encouragement of Ijtihād and unleashing innovative potentials, responsible freedom, justice, honesty, modernity, futurist insight, and appreci- ation of work values.

Sixth: Educational institutions should give much importance to educational planning and linking of education curricula to the needs of Muslim society

along future-looking perspectives to ensure balanced compatibility between human development and the achievement of Islamic-paradigm-based develop- ment objectives.

Seventh: There is a dire need for preparing qualified leadership on the ba- sis of the two pillars of public leadership, which are honestly and competency, effectively able to shoulder the task of managing and promoting the educa- tional and training institutions in the various disciplines desired by the Ummah. Competence and honesty are the most important prerequisites for achievement, as indicated in the holy verses «Truly the best of men for thee to employ is one who is strong and trusty,» (Al-Qaṣaṣ, 26) and «Set me over the storehouses of the land, I am indeed a good guard and one that knows.» (Yūsuf, 55). It is also reported that the Prophet SAW said to Abū Dhar يضر هللا هنع, “You are weak, and this (public job) is a trust which could generate shame and regret on the Day of Judgment, except who takes it upon its right (qualifications) and fulfills its ob- ligations fairly and honestly.” (Reported by Imam Muslim in his Ṣaḥīḥ).

Eighth: Promotion of scientific research and encouragement of spending on it due to its significant role in human development and fulfillment of the diverse needs of the Ummah.

Ninth: Due to the prevailing women’s illiteracy in several parts of the Muslim world, the Academy emphasizes the need for women education, enlightenment, and rehabilitation to carry her significant function in the development of the Islamic society. In this regard, the Academy reaffirms its resolution no. 114 (8/12) concerning the Islamic Declaration on Role of Women in Development of Muslim Society, and all the resolutions related to this subject.

Tenth: The best way to boost human development and enhance the effective- ness of the educational system as a component of comprehensive development is to complement it with other fundamental reforms, including the following:

  1. Full implementation of Shariah in the various fields of In this respect, the Academy confirms its resolution no. 48 (10/5) on the Enforcement of Shariah Rules.
  2. Promoting responsible freedom, justice, and comprehensive peace; and discarding despotism in addition to adherence to the principles of human rights as derived from the grand objectives and primary axioms of the Shariah, as indicated in the Islamic Charter of Human Rights, which the Academy has adopted.

Eleventh: Encouragement and appreciation of the efforts exerted by Muslim countries such as Malaysia and several other Muslim countries to achieve nota- ble success in human resources development.


  1. Preparation of specialized studies and organization of seminars on the phenomenon of brain migration from the Muslim countries to others in order to identify its underlying causes and suggest measures for correcting it and attenuating its effects.
  2. The need for coordination, cooperation, integration, and exchange of experiences between Muslim countries in the fields of education, culture, and training; as has been dictated by Allāh The Almighty by saying, «…help ye one another in righteousness and piety, but help ye not one another in sin and rancor, fear Allāh, for Allāh is strict in punishment.» (Al-Māʾidah, 3) This reaffirms the Academy resolution 98 (1/11) about Islamic Unity.
  3. Encouragement of establishing specialized institutes and academic centers to cater for human development and look after the gifted and
  4. Organizing a specialized seminar on technology transfer, its implantation and development within the Muslim countries, and the promotion of electronic
  5. Benefiting from the experiences of some Islamic and other countries in the field of fighting illiteracy and enhancing vocational and technical
  6. Creating channels of communication and cooperation between the Muslim world and Muslim scientists who are in countries outside the Muslim

Indeed, Allāh is All-Knowing.

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