Phenomenon of Islamophobia: Challenges and Confrontations
14 July، 2007

In the Name of Allāh,

the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful

Praise is due to Allāh, Lord of the worlds, may the blessings and peace be upon our master Muḥammad, the last of prophets, on his family, and all his companions.

Resolution No. 166 (4/18)

Phenomenon of Islamophobia: Challenges and Confrontations

The Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, holding its 18th session in Putrajaya, Malaysia, on 24–29 Jumādā al-Ākhirah 1428h (9–14 July 2007),

Having examined the research papers submitted to the Academy concerning the Phenomenon of Islamophobia: Challenges and Confrontations,

Having listened to the discussions on the subject,

Having recalled the adverse effects of the phenomenon of Islamophobia which has led to aversion from Islam and resulted in complex pressures upon Muslims in various parts of the world, which can be traced back to the accu- mulated heritage of enmity, hatred, destructive media campaigns and failure of Muslims to present Islam at the international level,

Having considered the harmful effects of this phenomenon,


First: The need to confront this phenomenon with a comprehensive strategy to be adopted by all the Muslim countries, international Islamic organizations, and the Islamic organizations that represent Muslims outside the Muslim world. Such a strategy should comprise well-designed mechanisms and arrangements and cover the informational, political, economic and social aspects. It should also comprise a clear media message on the Islamic religion and its underlying glorious facts, principles, and values to be disseminated through popular media and internationally influential websites.

Second: The need for consultation and coordination between the Muslim countries and the International Islamic organizations to make necessary deci- sions and take the required actions in response to the doubts-raising campaigns and offensive acts addressed against the Ummah and its symbols.

Third: Calling upon the international community to support the Ummah in facing this aggressive attack against Islam and Muslims; work for furthering the culture of love and solidarity between nations; discourage hatred and aggression, and enhance cooperation for achieving the benefit of all humanity.

Fourth: Calling upon Muslim communities outside the Muslim world to act as messengers of peace and order and carriers of the pure message of Islam to the different countries and people of the world. They should avoid any prac- tices that could harm the image of Islam while showing their strict commitment to its values and principles.

The Academy also appeals to the Muslim countries to provide all necessary assistance to Muslim communities outside the Muslim world and enhance their knowledge about their religion and keep them aware of the developments in the Muslim world. Special organizations and institutions should be created to cater for strengthening their relationships with the rest of the Ummah.

Fifth: Identification of the writings and publications relating to this phe- nomenon, and encouraging Muslim scholars who are well versed in the lan- guages of these writings and publications to initiate dialogues and discussions with the proponents of this phenomenon and clarify the right picture of Islam. Sixth: Providing advanced education and training in foreign languages to the Islamic preachers who visit non-Muslim countries in order to enhance their efforts in presenting the conceptual and practical aspects of Islam. Existing in- stitutions of preachers’ training must be encouraged to do this job, or new in-

stitutions may be established for this purpose.

Seventh: Building the relationship with the others based on mutual respect, communicating the pure message of Islam and emphasizing, in the educational curricula, the need for mutual understanding with the other.


  1. Activation of clause no. (4) Paragraph (6) of the Statute of the Academy about “establishment of centers for Islamic studies in some of the central areas outside the Muslim world; cooperation with the existing research centers to promote the Academy’s objectives and monitoring the ma- terials published about Islam and responding to any attempt of raising suspicions against it.” The proposed centers for Islamic studies should prepare rigorous studies about the West as well as a suitable strategy for dealing with the various Western countries and with all centers of power that influence Western governments and
  2. The need for coordination with the focal point established by the Organization of the Islamic Conference for monitoring the issues of Islam in the Western media. More efforts should also be exerted, in co- ordination with the Academy, to correct the distorted picture of Islam currently presented through the educational systems in the West and respond to the suspicions raised against

  1. Organizing academic and intellectual seminars to be attended by Muslim and non-Muslim scholars to promote open dialogues, exchange of views, and enhance channels of mutual understanding and interaction.

Indeed, Allāh is All-Knowing.

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