Environmental Conservation in Islam
30 April، 2009

In the Name of Allāh,

the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful

Praise is due to Allāh, Lord of the worlds, may the blessings and peace be upon our master Muḥammad, the last of prophets, on his family, and all his companions.

Resolution No. 185 (11/19) Environmental Conservation in Islam

The Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, holding its 19th session in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, on 1–5 Jumādā al-Ūlā 1430h (26–30 April 2009),

Having examined the research papers submitted to the Academy concerning

Environmental Conservation in Islam,

Having listened to the discussions on the subject,


  1. It is prohibited to dump any harmful waste in any place in the world, and countries that produce such waste are obliged to get rid of it within their boundaries in a way that does not harm the environment. Muslim countries should refuse to be the place where such waste is dumped.
  2. Given the Shariah rules that treat elimination of harm as a necessity, it is prohibited to commit any act or disposal that could cause harm or abuse to the environment. This includes all acts and disposals that could disturb the environmental balance, result in the misuse of natural resources or disregard the welfare of future generations.
  3. Obligation of dismantle of mass-destruction weapons at the level of all countries and prevention of any activity that contributes to widening the hole in the ozone layer or results in environmental This is based on fundamental and absolute principles of Shariah regarding harm prevention.


  1. Encouragement of Waqf for preservation of all environmental elements including land, water and space.
  2. Formation of a committee for environmental studies from an Islamic perspective within the Academy, specializing in monitoring all studies, conventions and issues pertaining to the environment.
  1. Muslim countries should cooperate with the international community in all initiatives that address the conservation of the environment and pre- vent its pollution and take part in all conventions and agreements signed for this purpose, provided that such initiatives and agreements do not contradict the rules of Shariah or result in harms to Muslim
  2. Calling upon Muslim countries to operationalize the Organizations for Environment, established by the OIC and its affiliate bodies, and work for close cooperation with the Arab Cooperation Council for the Environment, and the Gulf Cooperation Council, which show interest in the subject.
  3. Encouraging establishment of eco-friendly industries and supporting them through every possible means.
  4. Urging OIC Members to continue the issuance of rules and regulations relating to the preservation of the environment and prevention of its pollution, enact punishments under criminal law against causing damage to the environment, and tighten control over all acts and disposals that could cause ham to any element of the environment, including water air and soil.
  5. Calling upon institutions in charge of religious affairs in Muslim coun- tries to provide Imams and Islamic preachers with environment informa- tion and disseminate research and studies on environment and means of its
  6. Using different available means for the dissemination of environmental culture in order to raise awareness about cleanliness and protection of the environment against all harmful practices. This can be performed through several means, including:

    1. Continuous broadcasting about environmental hazards through
    2. Appropriate social upbringing at home level and through educational curricula at all levels.
    3. Giving due care to Fiqh of the environment as part of Fiqh studies in Shariah schools and Islamic Studies faculties.
Indeed, Allāh is All-Knowing.
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