Secretary General talks about the value of love at the International Crescent School in Bangkok
11 June، 2023

As part of the strengthening cooperation and communication between the International Islamic Fiqh Academy and Muslim community institutions outside the Muslim world, and in an effort to raise awareness of the concept of positive citizenship and full residence and the importance of adhering to its requirements in Muslim communities abroad, and at the kind invitation of the International Crescent School, H. E. Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the Academy, visited Bangkok, capital of Thailand, on 19-21 Dhul Quida 1444, corresponding to June 8-10, 2023,

His Excellency was received on arrival at Bangkok airport by Dr Ibrahim Naiti, Executive Director of the school, and Dr Iman Naiti, Vice Principal for Academic Affairs. The following morning, His Excellency visited the school and gave a speech to the teaching staff, in the presence of a large number of students from different grades. His Excellency’s speech emphasized the importance of awareness of the value of love in its different levels, such as love for parents, love for family, love for school, love for society, love for country and love for humanity. Obedience, and all sincerity, and there is no conflict between them, for each has its own domains and requirements. In a marvelous interaction between His Excellency and the students, especially those in the lower levels of education, His Excellency was able to make them aware of the importance of love, which builds on the love of the family environment (parents, brothers and sisters, where applicable) and is reinforced in the school environment, which strives to consolidate the values emanating from love in the minds of young people, and extends into the environment of the community in which man lives and learns traditions, habits and customs, then takes root in the homeland which has given them so much, including security and safety, and a decent life, and which is always keen to provide him with the means of comfort and stability. His Excellency explained that man’s love for his Creator and Master of the universe compels him to adhere to the aforementioned manifestations of love.

At the end, His Excellency called on the school, its administrators, pupils and students to spread the value of love, the culture of love and the approach of love, in order to eliminate all forms of conflict, dissension, strife, dissension and violence, for the service of their school, community and country, with great thanks, gratitude and appreciation to their Creator. In addition, His Excellency’s directive speech left a good impact in the hearts of those present, who thanked His Excellency for the creative interactive method that prompted the students to follow with great obedience and concentration.

It’s worth noting that the International School of Crescent is one of the contemporary Islamic schools that combines modern programs with Islamic education, as it teaches modern programs that are recognized locally and internationally. It also teaches basic Islamic subjects to its Muslim students in order to preserve their religious identity while enabling them to master modern subjects. Thanks to the outstanding preparation of its students, a number of its graduates have won international recognition awards in the American and British general secondary school examinations, and some of its graduates are continuing their undergraduate studies at American and British universities, one of whom won an award from the US Space Agency (NASA) this year, and another who received a scholarship to enroll at MIT, a renowned American university.

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