May Allah have mercy on you our venerable Sheikh Prof. Ali Al-Salous
27 July، 2023

“Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah. Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration” Al-Ahzaab, 23.

It is with hearts full of faith in Allah’s fate and destiny, and with hearts that submit to His judgment and command, that the International Islamic Fiqh Academy has received the news of the passing of our honorable Sheikh, the revered scholar, the sincere preacher, Professor Ali bin Ahmed bin Ali Al-Salous, on Tuesday evening, 7 Muharam 1445, at the age of 90, who has spent his life in the service of religion, scholarship and the Ummah, as a dedicated teacher, diligent educator, refined author and sincere preacher to Allah with insight, wisdom and sophistication.

His Eminence – may Allah have mercy on him – was one of the Academy’s distinguished and loyal designated members, accompanying it from its inception and contributing to its development four decades ago. His Eminence participated in its sessions and symposia as a serious scholar, energetic and tactful commentator.

I bear testimony – and this testimony is for Allah and for history – that his concern for the future of Islamic finance and banking was great, guiding its path, its activities, and streamlining its new transactions and contracts. His Eminence never hesitated to warn against new transactions and contracts that did not adhere to legal controls in terms of structure and content, and he never tired of warning against the disastrous consequences of usurious transactions. I can also testify that he was very attached to the methodology of the Companions and their disciples in matters of appeal and advice… With what sincerity he defended and supported this approach! How much effort and money he spent in the service of Allah and defending Islam in all parts of the world! Our venerable Sheikh leaves our mortal world after a blessed life. He has bequeathed us and the Ummah useful knowledge through his books and lectures. May Allah weigh them in the balance of his good deeds, reward him in our name, in that of his students and admirers, and reunite us with him and those who preceded him among our venerable sheikhs, and our honorable masters among the scholars, in the gardens of bliss, in a seat of sincerity with our Lord.

The Presidency of the Council, the Secretariat General, members, and experts mourn His Eminence, may Allah shower him with His forgiveness and grace, and we implore Him to shower him with mercy, to forgive him and grant him His vast gardens, and to gather him with the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, the righteous and the best of them as companions, and to give his family and loved ones patience and consolation, for we belong to Allah and it is to Him that we shall return.

Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano

Secretary General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy

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