At Open Dialogue Forum, Secretary General calls for relying on the Three Foundations of Contemporary Islamic Action
30 July، 2023

At the kind invitation from the Canadian Academy of Dawah Arts in Canada, H.E. Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary-General of the Academy delivered an online lecture entitled the Fiqh of the Ummah and its Impact on Islamic Action, through the Canadian Academy’s famous program titled the Open Dialogue Forum, on Saturday evening 11 Muharram 1445, corresponding to 29 July 2023.

At the opening of the lecture, His Excellency explained that the term Ummah or nation, has two concepts, a general concept, and a specific concept. As for the general concept, it is used to refer to all the inhabitants of a country living together in harmony on a patch of land, regardless of their beliefs and affiliation. As for the special concept, it is used to refer to a group of people belonging to a specific religion, regardless of their place of residence and presence. His Excellency pointed out the existence of rights and obligations for individuals who live within a state or share a particular belief, stressing that the strength and weakness of nations depend on the extent of their individuals’ commitment to the foundations of their existence and stability. No nation throughout history has adhered to its foundations except that it has been happy, elevated, exalted, and prevailed, and no nation has neglected its foundations except that it has become weak and collapse has become her fate.

His Excellency noted in the meantime that what is meant by Ummah in this lecture is the general concept, and this is true today of two billion people who believe in one religion, turn their prayers to one qibla, fast one month, and their richest among them pay zakat once a year, and perform the Hajj every year to one house, and this nation is characterized by its benevolence and witnesses over other nations of the earth, as indicated by the Almighty’s sayings “You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind.” And “Thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you.”

His Excellency explained that the success of Islamic action in place and time depends on the extent of the Ummah’s commitment, and on three foundations, which are explained by the hadith reported by Imam Muslim on the authority of Al-Nu’man bin Bashir, may Allah be pleased with them both, who said: The Messenger of God, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, said: “The example of the believers in their love, compassion, and sympathy is like the body. If one organ complains, the rest of the body responds with sleeplessness and fever.” These foundations are represented by the foundation of affection, the foundation of compassion, and the foundation of sympathy. These foundations share the fact that they are deeply connected and linked to the heart, which is their source, source, and place. This means that if they are established in the heart, their effects will be evident in behavior and behavior, and the same is true of their weakness, and instability. His Excellency called on those involved in Islamic action everywhere, especially outside the Muslim world, to remember, adhere to, and cling to these foundations while completely staying away from sterile, destructive competitions, fragmented repetition of efforts, and the frantic race towards self-destruction, as well as rivalry, envy, quarreling, hatred, and deception. All of this prevents the success of Islamic action, which means that the success of contemporary Islamic work is always and forever dependent on the constant evocation of these foundations, and the continuous adherence to them in every activity or behavior that a Muslim person undertakes. To achieve this, His Excellency called for a positive outlook, positive interaction, and responsible dealing with difference, whether in the field of faith, jurisprudence, or education. His Excellency concluded his lecture by emphasizing the importance of optimism, not despairing of the current reality, and working hard to change the reality into a more solidaristic, supportive, and synergistic reality.

At the end of the lecture, His Excellency answered a number of questions posed by the attendees, and the lecture received great acclaim from the followers.

The session was moderated by H.E. Dr. Moaz Al-Bayyouni. The Academy is a Canadian non-profit institution specializing in the science of Islamic advocacy (Dawah) that offers a variety of programs that develop professional and social skills related to the art of Dawah, and is headquartered in Ontario, Canada.

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