Secretary General calls for more cooperation between IIFA and MWL’s Islamic Fiqh Council
23 April، 2024

At the kind invitation of H.E. Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Aal-Sheikh, Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, President of the Council of Senior Scholars, and the Islamic Fiqh Council of the Muslim World League, H.E. Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the Academy, member of the Islamic Fiqh Council, participated in the 23rd Session of MWL’s Islamic Fiqh Council on 11-13 Shawal 1445, corresponding to 20-22 April 2024 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

His Excellency delivered a speech at the session’s opening, expressing his gratitude to the Saudi leadership and people for its permanent patronage of the Muslim World League, which is the largest popular organization in the Muslim world. His Excellency also expressed his thanks to H.E. Sheikh Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, Secretary General of the Muslim World League, for his appreciated efforts and his keenness to strengthen cooperation and partnership between the International Islamic Fiqh Academy and MWL’s Islamic Fiqh Council, praising the remarkable achievements witnessed by the MWL since he assumed its leadership.

His Excellency then took the opportunity to recall some parts from the historic speech delivered by the late Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, may Allah have mercy on him, at the founding conference of the IIFA on 26-28 Sha’ban 1403, corresponding to 7-9 July 1983:

I greet you with the greetings of Islam, al-Salam Alaykum wa-rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh, May Allah’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you. I wish you a warm welcome to this generous country, the birthplace of Islam, and the Qibla of Muslims. I ask Allah to direct your steps and make success your ally.

Your meeting is the true beginning of an important historical stage of our Islamic Ummah, in which the honor of serving the Shariah transcends the limits of individual and regional efforts and crosses political boundaries through a global organization, a first of its kind, that expresses the unity of the Ummah in this field.

Teamwork is the hallmark of the success of the Islamic Ummah and its ability to meet challenges. Indicators show that the Islamic Ummah has set its feet on track of correcting its historical path and returning to faith in light of the solidarity of its children. This is the Third Islamic Summit Conference held in the vicinity of the Kaaba, which includes, among its results and decisions, the historic decision taken by Muslim world leaders to establish the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, whose founding conference we are attending today. This conference has been a good opportunity and a serious and conscious beginning for our Islamic Ummah towards realising its aspirations to glory and strength to effectively participate and pursue its pioneering role in building human civilization, achieving justice and liberating humans from human injustice.

We all believe – dear brothers and sisters- that Islam is a religion that addresses reason, opposes backwardness in its various forms and aspects, encourages freedom of thought, adapts to the achievements of the modern age and encourages their continuous exercise. Just as Islam establishes the rules of behavior, it also governs social and international relations based on mercy, for which Allah the Almighty said: “And We have sent you only as a mercy to the worlds” Al-Anbiya, 107.

We are witnessing, in our time, parts of our Ummah suffering in Palestine, the occupied Arab lands and Afghanistan, groaning under the weight of injustice, oppression and aggression, just as our shrines in Jerusalem are desecrated by the occupier who has shed blood, occupied the sanctity, and displaced millions of our Muslim brothers and sisters. The weakness and weakening of the Islamic Ummah would not have happened to it if it had adhered to the directives of the Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah. However, turning away from the umbrella of Islam has been the first and most influential factor for the fierce challenges that the Islamic Ummah is facing today from its enemies who are constantly and persistently working to deviate it from its faith, because the enemies of Islam realize that Muslims have no strenghs without their adherence to their solid beliefs, for not adhering to it becomes a source of perils threatening the lands of Islam and the Ummah of Mohamed (PBUH).

More than half a century ago, a call was made to hold the first Islamic conference to discuss the situation of the Ummah and consult on what would achieve its welfare, following the unification of this country under the banner of the late King Abdulaziz, may his soul rest in peace. Then the efforts continued until the establishment of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and a blessed Islamic awakening in Muslim countries was launched to return to Islam, to the teachings of the Noble Quran and the guidance of the Sunnah. This awakening has given every Muslim the pride of his religion, cultural affiliation, and brilliant and glorious past.

This awareness is expressed in various forms within Muslim communities, but its main substance is the same, namely the conviction of the need to find Islamic solutions to contemporary problems. Other systems may sometimes be able to find solutions to certain problems, but the value of our Islamic faith lies not only in the fact that it provides us with global solutions and that it provides us with these solutions and gives us the strength to achieve and protect them. We hope that Islamic thought will accompany this awareness to master its progress based divine wisdom in all fields.

We are aware that divisions among Muslims have resulted in the reluctance of the scholars to face the severe problems of life with a unanimous opinion.

Today, as you can see, many events, issues, and problems have accumulated despite the abundance of diligent scholars and jurists at all times and places. The situation is urgent, and the responsibility in front of Allah is greater than the diligence of a simple individual’s efforts regarding ongoing issues until endorsing the acceptance and support of scholars after thorough investigation and consideration in the past and contemporary jurisprudence.

In this regard, the call for the establishment of an International Islamic Fiqh Academy has become a dire necessity for this stage of the Islamic Ummah, where it finds the authentic Islamic answer to every question posed by the challenges of contemporary life, to achieve mankind’s happiness in general and that of Muslims in particular; and to answer the questions posed by the challenges of the modern life based on Shariah, as there is no success for us except by following it and conforming to its principle. “And who is better than Allah in judgement for a people who are certain [in faith].

The clarification of divine laws and the obligation to submit to them in terms of judgments and as subjects will lead to the preservation of life, property and dignity, and the clarification of the divine laws will make Muslim supporters of mercy and peace who direct their efforts against their enemy at a time when some nations are raging a war against our civilization, heritage and Ummah.

The spirit of fanaticism is the farthest thing from Islam because fanaticism is one of the causes of hatred, division and intellectual rupture. Allah has forbidden us that which causes hatred and enmity among Muslims. The truth is that fanaticism has no meaning in Islam because a Muslim has only to bind by the law of Allah, the criterion is to extract the judgment with its proofs from the Quran and the Sunnah, in accordance with the maxims of legal deduction and principles which are known to scholars and jurists.

We know that the task is not easy, and the responsibility is heavy, but the hopes in you are greater. So, walk on the blessing of Allah, put your trust in Him, and rely on His help.

I thank Allah the Almighty, who allowed me to witness your meeting on this day which is such a precious wish, long desired and awaited by every sincere and faithful Muslim.

In conclusion, I turn to Allah the Most High, the Almighty, and from the vicinity of His Ancient House, praying that He will grant everyone the better understanding of his religion and acting upon its law, and that the future of our Islamic Ummah will be brighter than its present, and that He will guide us to righteousness, reason, and not to deviate our hearts after He has guided us. He is the Hearing and the Most Responsive, for He is the Guide to the true path.

May Allah bless you and guide your footsteps. May Allah’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you”

The Secretary General of the Academy said: “These illuminating words of His Majesty the King, may Allah have mercy on him, were an intellectual starting point and a practical guide for your blessed Council, as well as the International Islamic Fiqh Academy. Since then, it has been working day and night to clarify the Sharia rulings on new and current issues that concern Muslims worldwide, and strives to coordinate and cooperate with various bodies, councils and boards in the Muslim world. We, at IIFA, sincerely believe that the two councils complement, support, and support each other, and that it is not possible for one council alone to respond to contemporary issues and developments due to their huge number and rapid development, which requires cooperation and integration of both councils. Therefore, we hope the coming days will witness close cooperation and coordination on issues and developments concerning Muslims in all parts of the globe, and in implementing the agreement signed by both councils in Ramadan at Makkah Al-Mukarama.”

His Excellency concluded his speech by renewing his thanks, gratitude, and praise to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and his Crown Prince, HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Prime Minister, for the support and care that the IIFA has received since its establishment.

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