Resolution No. 239 (1/25) concerning the Islamic Ruling on Religious and Non-Religious Education for Males and Females
28 July، 2023

In the name of Allah,

The Entirely Merciful, The Especially Merciful

Praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds, may the blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad, the seal of Prophets, on his family, and all his companions.

Resolution No. 239 (1/25)

Islamic Ruling on Religious and Non-Religious Education for Males and Females

The Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, holding its 25th session in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on 29 Rajab – 3 Shaaban 1444H (20-23 February 2023),

Having considered the Academy’s resolution no. 38 (13/4) on Combatting Moral Evils, Areas of Islamic Unity, Methods of Benefiting from them, and the Islamization of Education in the Muslim World Today, issued at the 4th session in Jeddah, on 18-23 Jumada Al-Akhira 1408H (6-11 February 1988),

Having considered the Academy’s resolutions no. 164 (2/18) on Human Resources Development in the Muslim World, and no. 169 (18/7) on the Rights and Obligations of Muslim Women, issued at its 18th session in Putrajaya, Malaysia, on 24-29 Jumada Al-Akhira 1428H (9-14 July 2007),

Having considered the Academy’s resolution no. 236 (24/7) on the Role of Religious Education in Promoting Peace, issued at its 24th session in Dubai, on 7-9 Rabi’ al-Awal 1441H (4-6 November 2019),

Having considered the Secretariat General of the Academy’s statement on the suspension of education for girls and women in Afghanistan’s schools and universities, issued on 28 Jumada Al-Ula 1444H (22 December 2022),

Having examined the research papers submitted to the Academy on the Islamic Ruling on Religious and Non-Religious Education for Males and Females,

Having listened to the discussions of the Academy’s members and experts,


First: Education in Islam is the process of acquiring the values, principles, knowledge, and skills that enable humans to worship and serve Allah, prosper in the universe, and achieve happiness and success in this world and the hereafter.

Second: Teaching males and females beneficial sciences is a right upon the family, the society, and the state, and it is the right of both sexes to obtain all types of education at all its levels. The scholars have been unanimous about this right since the time of the Companions (RA) to this day, in accordance with the Almighty’s words:

{Read in the name of your Lord who created – created man from a clot * Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous – who taught by the pen – taught man what he knew not} Al-Alaq: 1-5

{So high [above all] is Allah, the Sovereign, the Truth. And [O Muhammad], do not hasten with [recitation of] the Qur’an before its revelation is completed to you, and say, “My Lord, increase me in knowledge.”} Taha: 114

{ And among people and moving creatures and grazing livestock are various colors similarly. Only those fear Allah, from among His slaves, who have knowledge. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Forgiving.} Fatir: 28

In addition to many verses of the Quran, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, according to a hadith reported by Ibn Majah from Anas bin Malik (RA): (Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim).

Third: Education prescribed in Islam includes any education that helps to achieve the five Masalih daruriya (necessary interests), namely the preservation of self, religion, family, mind, and wealth, and also any education that helps to achieve the needed (ājjīyah) and complementary (Tasinīyyah) Masalih. This also includes religious education that enables humans to know what Allah has commanded, encouraged and prohibited of sayings and actions, which includes the sciences of aqeeda (creed), fiqh (jurisprudence) and usul fiqh (sources of fiqh), as well as the sciences of Sunnah (Prophet’s traditions), and tafsir (exegesis).

Similarly, it also includes worldly education that helps us understand the universe, life, and reality as well as enables the efficient use of what Allah has bestowed upon us. Examples include as medicine, engineering, economics, sociology, humanities, and natural sciences.

Fourth: Spending on religious and non-religious education is one of the duties of the family, society, and the state, according to Sharia, because it is the bedrock for success in religious and worldly affairs, as well as for the goodness of mankind in this life and the hereafter.

Fifth: It is not permissible in Sharia to deprive a male or a female of any beneficial education, whether it be religious or worldly, as this is a clear violation of Sharia texts that ordered their education, as well as a violation of the consensus of the Ummah throughout the ages, that both genders should be educated, not to mention the many harmful consequences of the lack of education, such as the spread of ignorance, impoverishment, and diseases, among others.


1- Addressing unusual fatwas that violate the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, and prohibit women from learning and teaching.

2- Refuting views that deprive women of religious and worldly education with fallacious arguments and responding to them in ways that expose their falsehood.

3- Calling on governments to give more attention and care to enabling men and women to receive religious and worldly education at all levels, especially girls’ education, which is of paramount importance in ensuring a good education for future generations.

4- Calling on states and communities to address the issues and barriers that prevent or limit many girls’ participation in lifelong learning in both religious and non-religious education.

5- Scientific centers in universities, Fiqh academies, research centers, scientific journals, scholars, intellectuals, imams, and preachers should carry out greater efforts in guiding people and raising their awareness of the importance of education for men and women because education is the pillar of strength for nations in all fields, including defense, economy, politics, society, and health. It is also one of the reasons for nurturing moderation and the paving way for the rejection of extremism and fanaticism.

6- Calling on educational institutions, centers, and universities to improve their curricula and programs to prepare generations capable of transforming the challenges of the modern age into opportunities for prosperity, progress, and development, while strengthening the Islamic approach to education as it is the most effective approach to providing practical solutions to problems of modern life by meeting these challenges and seizing these opportunities.

7- Encouraging scientific research, developing creative and critical thinking, supporting innovation and invention, and strengthening scientific integration between religious and non-religious education, in order to prepare a full-fledged generation that is balanced both spiritually and physically, and in matters of religious and worldly life.

The Council of the Academy applauds the efforts of numerous OIC Member States that have made the education of both males and females a pillar of their renaissance and progress.

Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing.

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