Resolution No. 252(14/25) concerning the Importance of Islamic Social Financing Mechanisms for Humanitarian Action in Conflict and Disaster Areas, and Promoting a Culture of Volunteering to Strengthen Joint Islamic Action
28 July، 2023

In the name of Allah,

The Entirely Merciful, The Especially Merciful

Praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds, may the blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad, the seal of Prophets, on his family, and all his companions.

Resolution No. 252(14/25)

Importance of Islamic Social Financing Mechanisms for Humanitarian Action in Conflict and Disaster Areas, and Promoting a Culture of Volunteering to Strengthen Joint Islamic Action

The Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, holding its 25th session in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on 29 Rajab – 3 Shaaban 1444H (20-23 February 2023),

Having recalled the Academy’s resolution no. 165 (3/18) on Fostering the Role of Zakāh for Poverty Alleviation,

Having examined the research papers submitted to the Academy concerning the Importance of Islamic Social Financing Mechanisms for Humanitarian Action in Conflict and Disaster Areas, and Promoting a Culture of Volunteering to Strengthen Joint Islamic Action,

Having listened to the discussions and deliberations of the Academy’s members and experts,


First: Islamic social financing refers to the giving of money for social purposes in accordance with Sharia’s rulings and principles, in order to contribute to economic empowerment, community development, and the prosperity of the universe. Islamic social financing instruments include obligatory instruments such as Zakat, and non-obligatory instruments such as qard, al-ariya contract, voluntary charities, and awqaaf.

Second: It is permissible to use Islamic social financing instruments to support humanitarian action and provide relief to people affected by disasters, epidemics, and displacement due to conflicts.


  • Calling to include the culture of volunteering and its importance in the curricula of schools and universities in order to raise awareness and increase volunteerism and the number of volunteers.
  • Calling on scholars, intellectuals, and preachers to encourage the community to carry out organized voluntary activities of all types and methods.
  • Emphasizing the importance of humanitarian social work and fostering voluntarism in various fields in the service of humanity as a whole, especially during crises, disasters, and the rise in the number of refugees and displaced persons, regardless of religion or ethnicity.

Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing.

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