9th Periodic Meeting of the Divisions Heads
10 March، 2021

Within the framework of bi-monthly divisional meetings program of the Academy, which is based on a decentralized administrative approach, H.E. Prof. Koutoub Mustapha Sano, Secretary General of the Academy, chaired the ninth periodic meeting of the divisions’ heads, held on Thursday, 20 Rajab 1443, corresponding to 4 March 2021.

At the beginning of the meeting, His Excellency spoke about the strategic plan of the Academy, commending the efforts of all the staff for its preparation and realization in the best possible way through their suggestions and notes. His Excellency stressed on this occasion that strong and courageous souls only realize great hopes, challenges and aspirations.

Furthermore, His Excellency stressed that the estimated financial budget for the implementation of the strategic plan represents both a great challenge and a great opportunity; and it should in no way be an obstacle and obsession, for after seeking help and trusting in Allah the Almighty, we must seek financiers and conclude partnership agreements with donors inside and outside the Muslim world in order to mobilize the greatest possible support and spread the financial burden over several sources.

His Excellency then addressed the agenda of the meeting, speaking with colleagues, each in their field of expertise. The meeting resulted in several administrative decisions, notably:

-To distribute the new administrative offices among the divisions according to the needs of each division.

-To pay the overtime bonus up to date without cancellation or delay as an incentive for workers to be more productive and to improve their skills.

-Assigning the IT Division with carrying out an online course for Academy staff on office automation programs.

-Assigning the finance and administrative affairs department with developing an overview of vacancies for Academy staff in light of the corona pandemic.

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