25th Weekly Meeting of Departments Directors
31 March، 2021

The 25th weekly meeting of the departments’ directors was held on Monday 16 Sha’aban, corresponding to 29 March 2021, under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of the Academy.

His Excellency opened the meeting by greeting the participants, and then spoke about his participation in the inauguration ceremony of the annual report of the Charity Commission, in which he explained the importance of the Academy’s role as the main jurisprudential reference for Muslim countries and communities in issuing fatwas that support the cause of refugees and displaced persons, which is first and foremost a humanitarian issue, that requires inviting well-doers from all over the world to pay part of their Zakat and donations to fund the Commission’s activities and programs and save millions of people living in extremely difficult conditions.

His Excellency also expressed his joy for participating in this event and for the noble efforts of the Commission to ensure a dignified life for all humans regardless of gender, religion and color. He also thanked the Department of Research and Studies for coordinating this important meeting.

The meeting resulted in several decisions, notably:

-To organize an introductory online seminar with the Secretaries General of Awqaf in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries before the month of Ramadan.

-To send the recommendations of the final statement of the medical-fiqh symposium on the use of vaccines, to the OIC subsidiary and specialized agencies, representations and consulates in the three languages.

-To hold a training course for the Academy staff via zoom to get familiar with the new office automation program and some working computer programs.

-Each department shall submit its programs and activities included in the Strategic Plan to the Secretary General of the Academy’s office.

-To hold a joint virtual meeting with the Indonesian Ulema Council to strengthen cooperation and coordination between them and the Academy.

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