Visit of the OIC’s Director General of Administrative and Financial Affairs to the Academy
15 April، 2021

H.E. Mr. Faisal Al-Sharabi, Director General of Administrative and Financial Affairs of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, paid a visit to the Secretariat General of the Academy in Jeddah, during which he met with H.E. Prof. Adnan Al-Sharabi, Director General of Administrative and Financial Affairs of the OIC. H.E. Prof. Adnan Al-Fihri, Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs of the Academy, and Mr. Moez Al-Riahi, Director of Finance, Investments and Projects, and Mrs. Sarah bint Amjad Hussain, Director of Family and Women Affairs.

H.E. Mr. Faisal al-Sharabi discussed with the Secretary General the strengthening of cooperation and communication between the Academy and the OIC Directorate General of Administrative and Financial Affairs and expressed his thanks to His Excellency for the warm welcome and assured His Excellency of his full readiness to provide the necessary support to the Academy’s administrative and financial needs.

For his part, the Secretary General of the Academy thanked the Director General for this visit and highly appreciated this fruitful step, which indicates his firm commitment to strengthen the cooperation between the OIC subsidiary organs and its Directorate of Administrative and Financial Affairs. Furthermore, His Excellency assured that all the departments and divisions of the Academy are ready to cooperate with the latter.

At the end of the visit, H.E. Mr. Faisal Al-Sharabi inspected the administrative offices of the Academy and expressed his great content for the remarkable qualitative changes and organizational developments taking place in the Academy since the current Secretary General took office.

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