H.E. Prof. Koutoub Sano participated on Monday 12 Shawal 1442 corresponding to 24 May 2021, in the sixteenth annual meeting of the Scientific Accreditation Authority of the General Council for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain. H.E. Mr. Abdulilah Belatiq, Secretary General of the Council, reviewed the agenda and the most significant achievements of the Council during the past year, as well as the special report on the development of the training kit for certified managers of Islamic banks. Discussions and deliberations took place among the participants regarding the technical notes on the scientific content of the kit.
Commenting on the discussions and deliberations, H.E. Prof. Koutoub Sano explained that the information contained in the training kit is sufficient and distinct, but it needs to be reformulated and well organized between the proposed scientific courses in order to familiarize the managers of Islamic banks and financial institutions with the primary Shariah maxims governing Islamic banking activities. His Excellency also suggested that the Council should communicate again with the designer of the training kit to consider the proposed technical notes while giving enough time to improve the program’s scientific content to make it more accurate and focused. His Excellency also mentioned the importance of consistency between the titles of the proposed topics and the appropriate scientific vocabulary, stressing the need to use the proper terminology to guide the managers of Islamic banks.
His Excellency also suggested that the study of the five general jurisprudential maxims is the most suitable for guiding Islamic banking and finance management. He also suggested that it was unnecessary to mention some of the sub-maxims below the general maxims without mentioning others to avoid confusion between the general maxims and the sub-maxims.
The meeting discussed the report on the Shariah audit portfolios and the approved Islamic Certificate of Competence in Shariah Auditing, the Advanced Islamic Certificate of Competence in Shariah Auditing and the Professional Diploma in Auditing. The participants also reviewed the CVs attached to the list of trainers designated for the training.
On this occasion, His Excellency called on the Council to guarantee the trainers’ scientific certificates and make this specialization in Islamic finance a basis and a criterion of differentiation between the candidates and sufficient practical experience. For his part, the Secretary General of the Council concluded the meeting by thanking the participants for their participation and discussions to serve Islamic finance and banking development.
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