50th Weekly Meeting of Departments Directors
27 October، 2021

His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA), chaired the fiftieth weekly meeting of the directors of the Academy’s departments on Monday, 19 Rabi’ al-Awwal 1443H, corresponding to October 25, 2021G, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat in Jeddah.

His Excellency began the meeting by welcoming the attendees and thanking them for their regular attendance of the meetings, then talked about his upcoming visit to the United Arab Emirates, where His Excellency will deliver a lecture on tolerance and peaceful coexistence in societies in Islam on behalf of the General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on the organization’s Day, as part of the the activities of Dubai International Expo. His Excellency will also seek, during his visit, to strengthen relations of cooperation and strategic partnership with a number of competent authorities with common interest with the Academy.

His Excellency also touched on the topic of the scientific symposium that the Academy intends to hold on cryptocurrencies on the eighth of next November, where he was briefed on the latest developments from the specialized committees in charge of preparing this symposium.

Then His Excellency recorded his thanks to Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Shuaib, Head of the Studies and Fatwas Division, for his efforts in drafting the biographies of the late scholars and experts who served the Academy.

The meeting then discussed the items of the decisions issued by the previous meeting, and the follow-up of what has been achieved. Several decisions were issued by the meeting, the most important of which are:

  • Develop an integrated vision for the consultative symposium for the heads and secretaries of Iftaa bodies in the member states and Muslim communities regarding informing the participants of the time, place, and date of its convening, and presenting the concept to the General Secretariat at the beginning of next year in a sufficient period to avoid any delays.
  • Preparing the edited copy of the Academy’s news by the Communication Department and handing it over to the Editor-in-Chief for review and proof reading.
  • Editing the news in the three languages ​​at the end of each week in preparation for its inclusion in the newsletter.
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