25th Monthly Periodic Meeting of the Academy’s Employees
7 November، 2022

On Sunday 12 Rabi’ al-Thani 1444H corresponding to 06 November 2022G, His Excellency Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA), chaired the twenty-fifth monthly periodic meeting of the Academy’s employees, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Academy in Jeddah.

His Excellency started the meeting by welcoming the attendees and thanking them for their participation. Then he referred to the outcomes of the recent working visit that he and his accompanying delegation made to the Kingdom of Bahrain, where His Excellency participated in the Bahrain International Forum for Dialogue between East and West for Human Coexistence, which was organized by the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs in the Kingdom of Bahrain in cooperation with the Muslim Council of Elders. He also visited the University of Bahrain, during which he discussed with the university’s presidency possible aspects of cooperation between the Academy and the University. His Excellency explained that the two parties agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding between the two institutions in the near future to achieve common goals and to enhance areas of cooperation between them.

Then His Excellency touched on the topic of the 25th Academy’s session and the new tasks related to it, urging everyone to continue the serious and diligent work in order to prepare for it and manage it in the best possible manner. He then called on the attendees to express their opinions, present their suggestions, and discuss the issues and problems they face while carrying out their duties, reminding everyone to feel free and not hesitate to raise any topic they deem useful to the Academy and the employees, assuring every one of his constant readiness to listen to them and support them by finding appropriate solutions to their problems and adopt their constructive suggestions and initiatives.

Several new decisions were issued by the meeting, the most important of which are:

  • Expedite the payment of the dues of the translators who have completed the work assigned to them.
  • Considering the possibility of calculating vacation days in return for the additional work assigned to the employee.
  • Considering the possibility of transferring the residence permits of the Academy’s employees on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take advantage of the privileges offered by this procedure.
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