His Eminence Sheikh Mahamoudou Mal Bakary
6 March، 2022

Born in 1947 in the city of Maroua, Diamaré province in Cameroon, H.Em. Sheikh Mahamoudou Mal Bakary started his foundation studies in the katatib of the African continent, then he joined the traditional madrassas and studied under the guidance of his father jurisprudence, language, grammar and morphology. In 1967, His Eminence joined the Islamic University and studied at its secondary institute where he obtained a high school diploma in 1969 and a bachelor’s degree in 1973. His Eminence has held important positions, especially as a public high school teacher of Arabic language since 1977, and also taught Arabic in his private circles. His Eminence has been appointed a regular Imam since 1986 at the Great Mosque of Maro City. His Eminence was also chosen as the chairman of the Council of Scholars in Cameroon of the Cameroon Islamic Cultural Association, participating in many international conferences organized by the OIC, and the sessions of the Appeal Committee in Africa. His Eminence was also appointed member of the Constituent Assembly of the Islamic World League, Vice President of the Union of African Scholars in the Central African region since 2010. His Eminence has participated in many conferences organized by the latter on various issues affecting the African continent. H.Em. Sheikh Mahamoudou Mal Bakary was awarded the OIC Medal of Honor on November 25, 2019 in recognition of his distinguished efforts in the field of social and educational development and health services. In addition to teaching and giving sermons at the Grand Mosque and lectures on various occasions, His Eminence known for his continuous efforts in dawah and ifta in Cameroon.

As member of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, His Eminence has been appointed as a representative member of the Republic of Cameron to the Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, since 1997.

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