His Eminence Sheikh Datuk Haji Wan Zahedi
7 November، 2021

Born in 1942 in Malaysia, H.E. Sheikh Datuk Haji Wan Zahidi earned a bachelor’s degree in 1971 and a Master’s degree in 1974 from Al-Azhar University. His Eminence has held significant positions in Malaysia as a senior official in the Ministry of Education, lecturer in the Faculty of Sharia at Kebangsaan University, a professional officer at the Deputy Prime Minister’s office, a lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the same university, an international advisor on Islam and Sharia to Yayasan Dawah Islamiya, President of Sultan Azlan Shah University, Federal Mufti in Malaysia, and Honorary Fellow of the Islamic University of Malaysia. In addition, His Eminence has been a member of Malaysian Fatwa Committees, of Federal Islamic Bodies, Board member of Malaysian Islamic Foundation for Economic Development, PPZ-MAIWP, and MAIWP, Chairman of Dar Al-Hadith Malaysia, and Chairman of National Committee of Ifta since October 2017. His Eminence received the Most Distinguished Personality Award on several occasions, including at the mawlid and hijra celebrations in 1437, respectively, and at the hijra celebration in the State of Perak in 1438. As a member of the Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, H.E. Sheikh Datuk Haji Wan Zahedi has represented Malaysia since November 3, 2019.


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