Secretariat of the Academy mourns His Eminence Prof. Abdul Sattar Abu Ghuddah – May Allah have mercy on him
23 October، 2020

To Allah we belong and to Him we return

The Almighty said: “O reassured soul (27) Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing to Him (28) And enter among My righteous servants (29) And enter My Paradise (30)

Truly, every soul shall taste death

May Allah have mercy on you, our sheikh, our teacher, our jurist, the jurist of the Ummah, the beloved of hearts, the friend of the souls, the jurisconsult, the investigator, the verifier, the venerable, the revered and modest scholar, our beloved Abdul Sattar Abu Ghuddah.

Indeed, you were a beacon of activity whose light did not fade or disappear, and you were a lofty mountain of jurisprudence, understanding and intelligence that was not displaced by storms, nor difficult to overcome, and you were above all a summit of humility, dignity, patience, that was not influenced by circumstances, nor changed by events.

From here, you leave our mortal world after having left a good remembrance in the souls of everyone who knew you from near or far, or who met you in a conference or a seminar … to the call of the House of our Creator after you filled the horizons and intellects with jurisprudence, knowledge and ideas… You returned to our Lord after having served jurisprudence in the best and greatest of services.

You will be missed by jurisprudential councils, your loss will grieved by the Shariah boards, and your absence will be mourned in scientific seminars.. and your memory will remain immortal as long as the Islamic banks and financial institutions exist around the world.

Nearly twenty years have passed since I first met you in the beloved land of Kuwait, and since then, your joyful smile never disappeared from your face, and your tongue never stopped praising and praying for me..

How happy I was in the splendid city of Taibah to hear what you said to me twenty years ago:” O’ Koutoub, know that I love you for the sake of Allah and I pray for you to be steadfast” What a magnificent word, and what an immortal memory..

To tell the truth, for me and all your admirers, we should not stop praying for Allah’s pardon, mercy, forgiveness, and satisfaction unto you, and we all have a duty to publish the blessed scientific legacy you left behind.

May Allah accept you, O our Sheikh, among the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, the righteous, and these are the best companions.

May Allah inspire us, your family, your relatives, and friends with patience, solace and satisfaction for what the Most Merciful has decreed, and may He reunite us with you and with those who perished in serving Islam and Muslims in the gardens of bliss in an assembly of truth near the All-Powerful Sovereign.

We, at the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, its President, Secretary, members, experts and officials, express our deepest condolences.

Your dear friend and admirer

Koutoub Sano

Secretary General of the Academy

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