Position of Islam towards Fanaticism, Extremism, and Terrorism

In the Name of Allāh,

the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful

Praise is due to Allāh, Lord of the worlds, may the blessings and peace be upon our master Muḥammad, the last of prophets, on his family, and all his companions.

Resolution No. 154 (3/17)

Position of Islam towards Fanaticism, Extremism, and Terrorism

The Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, holding its 17th session in Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on 28 Jumādā al-Ūlā – 2 Jumādā al-Ākhirah 1427h (24–28 June 2006),

Having examined the research papers submitted to the Academy concerning the Position of Islam towards Fanaticism, Extremism, and Terrorism,

Having listened to the discussions on the subject,

Having recalled the Academy resolution no. 128 (2/14) on Human Rights and International Violence, that defines Terrorism as “physical and/or psycho- logical aggression, scaring or threatening which a state, a group or an individual with no right inflict on an innocent person that endangers his life, faith, dig- nity, mind or property, whatever form this may take and in all kinds of abuse or corruption on the earth.”

Having reviewed the statements of official and popular Arab and Islamic conferences on fighting terrorism which emphasize the need to deal with the underlying causes of terrorism and undermining the means used by terrorists while continuously upholding and maintaining the right of occupied nations in resorting to armed resistance, as well as the Amman Message issued on 26 Ramadan 1425h (9 November 2004),


  1. Prohibition of all acts, forms and practices of terrorism, and considering them as criminal acts that Shariah denotes as the crime of Hiraba, regard- less of where such acts are perpetrated or the party who does He is considered a terrorist, any individual, group, or state that commits any of such acts directly or by causing, financing, or supporting. Terrorism can also be by a state or states against other states.
  2. Clear distinction must be made between terrorism and lawful resistance against occupation by Shariah-acceptable means. This is a lawful right recognized in Shariah, common sense and international conventions as it aims at removing oppression and retrieving looted rights.
  1. Fighting terrorism should start with remedying its underlying causes, most important of which are fanaticism, extremism, bigotry, ignorance of the rules of Shariah, violation of human rights, lack of political and intellectual freedoms, deprivation, and economic, social and political
  2. Reconfirmation of the Academy resolution no. 128 (2/14) of the Academy that jihād for the sake of defending the Islamic faith, and protecting homelands, or liberating them from foreign occupation is definitely not terrorism at all as long as it abides by the rules of the Shariah.


  1. Enhancing the role of Shariah scholars, Fuqahā, Islamic preachers, and general and specialized academic institutions in furthering awareness about the need for fighting terrorism and curing its underlying
  2. Calling upon the media agencies to observe accuracy in presenting and disseminating their news reports, especially on issues relating to They should not link terrorism to Islam. Terrorism occurred and still oc- curs by people of other religions and cultures.
  3. Calling upon scientific and educational institutions to exhibit Islam in its brilliant picture, which cherishes the values of tolerance, love, pro-active interaction with others and cooperation on mutual benefits and
  4. Calling upon the Secretariat of the Academy to continue giving much care to this subject through the organization of seminars, lectures and workshops to explain the scope of Shariah rulings regarding condemna- tion, prohibition and fighting terrorism. Immediate efforts should also be exerted for developing a comprehensive framework that covers the various aspects of the issue.
  5. Calling upon the United Nations to intensify its efforts in combating ter- rorism and enhancing international cooperation in fighting it. It should also work for developing unified international standards for judging the different forms of terrorism.
  6. Calling upon the states and governments of the whole world to assign high priority to peaceful coexistence; refrain from occupying other coun- tries or denying other nations the right of self-determination; and pursue international relations on the basis of parity, peace and
  7. Calling on Western countries to review their educational curricula and remove the distortions and misrepresentations of the Islamic religion and prevent whatever activities of different media that demeans Islam and

damage its image. This ascertains peaceful coexistence and dialogue and prevents the culture of hostility and hatred.

Indeed, Allāh is All-Knowing.

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