Declaration of condemnation of the Israeli extermination campaign against the Gaza Strip, Palestine

Praise is due to Allāh, Lord of the worlds, may the blessings and peace be upon our master Muḥammad, the last of prophets, on his family, and all his companions.

The Secretariat General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy has been following up on the press reports of the heinous crimes and widespread massacres committed by Israel on the innocent Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, where it killed people and destroyed buildings, and keeps killing everyone in all corners of this country which is struggling for the liberation of its territory and the recovery of its rights. This people are under attack and seeks to earn its bread and quench its thirst in defiance of the enemy’s injustice, the harshness of the embargo, the silence of the whole world and even its support for the evil and aggressive forces. When the occupation authorities saw that, despite the interminable blockade, life still goes on, and that the devices of impoverishment and humiliation do not deal a death blow to this people, they therefore used other, crueler and more deadly means whose essence is human beings and private property. These means destroy everything, with an unusual savagery, an unaccustomed brutality. They show no mercy to children, women or the elderly. And there is no strength and power except that of Allah.

The Secretariat General of the Academy vigorously and firmly denounces these crimes, whose cruelty is beyond all comprehension, which emanate from a deep disregard for human life, international conventions, human and moral laws. In denouncing these crimes, the Academy calls on the Palestinian leaders to reject differences and unite their voice. It reminds them that they have the same enemy and the same destiny and that they are the object of the same attack. Their whole country is the field of its injustice and transgressions.

The Academy calls on the international community to take its responsibilities and enforce the laws it has adopted, implement the slogans it has erected to preserve human rights, and take a clear stand against such crimes to put an immediate end to them. The international community must join and support the people who have rights to their land and stop aiding and punishing the evil usurpers.

« And those who have wronged are going to know to what [kind of] return they will be returned. » Ash-Shu’ara -227

And may Allah’s blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions.

Prof. Abdulsalam Al-Abbadi


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