Secretary General speaks of Optimism and Hope at the University of Gambia
4 May، 2024

In the presence of numerous scholars, academics and students from The Gambia, H.E. Prof. Koutoub Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of the Academy, delivered a lecture entitled “Issues in Contemporary Higher Education” on Friday 23 Shawal 1445, corresponding to 3 May 2024, at the University of The Gambia in the capital, Banjul.

Mr. Mebaak Kamara, Director of International Relations at the University of The Gambia, expressed his great happiness at this historical moment in which his university and country celebrate a symbol of contemporary thought and knowledge and expressed his honor at moderating the lecture the Secretary General of the Academy, delivering a brief overview of his Excellency’s scientific, administrative and political career, praying to Allah to bless him with good health and continued success.

His Excellency began his lecture by thanking the university for the warm welcome and the opportunity to speak to students and professors, stressing the importance of education in general and higher education in particular in the progress of countries and peoples, and praising the influential role of the University of The Gambia in training future generation in a balanced and integrated manner. He then spoke about the importance of optimism and its role in realizing hopes and achieving goals, calling on students and attendees to be optimistic and courageous in combating and fighting four human ills that are the worst and deadliest enemies of man, namely: Ignorance, disease, poverty and despair. His Excellency explained that education is the most effective way to overcome these four chronic diseases. Through education, the disease of ignorance is eliminated; one conquers the scourge of disease through education, one combats poverty through education. In the meantime, His Excellency noted that the disease of despair is the fiercest and most severe of these enemies, as it leads a person to complete paralysis, withdrawal from life, and surrender to all diseases, and may lead him to suicide, so students and researchers must adhere to the values of optimism and hope, such has believing that the sun will never stop shining, that dawn is coming no matter how long the night lasts, and that darkness will disappear no matter how dense it is.

Accordingly, His Excellency pointed out that Islam forbids despair and forbids weakness, and sadness in the darkest circumstances and situations, as Almighty God said addressing the companions after the defeat of the Battle of Uhud (So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers. * If a wound should touch you – there has already touched the [opposing] people a wound similar to it. And these days [of varying conditions] We alternate among the people so that Allah may make evident those who believe and [may] take to Himself from among you martyrs – and Allah does not like the wrongdoers) Aal-Imran, 139-140, and The Almighty also said, “Say, “O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” Al-Zumar 53, and the Prophet (PBUH) said, “Hope for the best and the best will happen”.

At the end of the lecture, His Excellency answered questions from participants and expressed his sadness and pain about the spread of illegal immigration, which he described as a clear sign of despair which some young people on the continent succumb, stressing that those young people who become involved in this dangerous and tragic phenomenon are victims of despair and merchants of illusion and deception. Therefore, His Excellency called on young people not to be seduced by false news and false dreams but rather to continue their education in their countries and to look for work and opportunities within their countries, as their countries are full of goodness. They can live a dignified, safe, peaceful, and stable life if they utilize their potentials, abilities, and energies.

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